John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett: Image sourced from: ‘I know my place’ 21 Jan 2104 by David Buchanan (Health Service Journal)
‘Let’s Talk About Class’
Milan Rai, local activist, writer, trainer and peace advocate, is running a workshop, Let’s Talk About Class, this Saturday at the Friends’ Meeting House. Hot on the heels of his inspirational trip to the States to train with Betsy Leondar-Wright, a founding board member and founding trainer of Class Action, his inter-active workshop will be ideal if you’re interested in exploring the concept of class, social justice, equality and transition. Zelly Restorick reports.
Class Action have been running anti-classism workshops for over a decade and Betsy Leondar-Wright has, in various guises and locations, been doing this work since the 1970s. (See below for an interesting Peace News interview with Betsy L-W.)
The idea is to promote more understanding of the different perspectives we all might have, depending on the class system we inhabit/ed, although some people may say they grew up in a class-less environment; the goal is finding common ground and empathy rather than seeking differences and dissonance.
In my own life, I endeavour to see beyond any explanations I have been given over the years as to what the word ‘class’ means; over the years, I have labelled myself and been labelled by other people, as to which strata of life I belong to. I doubt I am alone there. Labels, self-given or applied by others, can be very limiting and can be attached to many automatic associations and stereotypes, which jump into your mind and can take root if you’re not vigilant.
Mil Rai ran an anti-classism workshop last year, but “this will have different things in it”, he says, “some based on what I learn in the Class Action workshop”. Mil’s workshops are always interactive with time for feedback, exploration and discovery as a group and an individual. You can book a place – or turn up on the day.
‘Let’s Talk About Class’: the workshop
“If we are going to change the world for the better,” writes Mil, “we are going to need strong groups and powerful movements that are good at including people from all classes. This is a workshop for working-class, middle-class and owning-class people, who want to work together for an equal and just society.
“Different class backgrounds give us different ways of looking at the world, and different strengths to help change the way things are.”
Any insights, dear reader? Your experience of class? Maybe you’ve not experienced anything?
Let’s Talk About Class : workshop facilitated by Peace News editor Milan Rai. Saturday 10 September, 2.30-5.30pm, Friends Meeting House, South Terrace (behind Priory Meadow), Hastings TN34 1SA. Payment by donation.
More info: 07980 748 555 or Burning Gold
Facing up to classism can help build stronger groups and stronger movements: This is the first part of an interview with author, trainer and activist, Betsy Leondar-Wright, by Milan Rai and Betsy Leondar-Wright featured in Peace News.
Peace News: for non-violent revolution
And just in case you want to watch The Class Sketch from The Frost Report… Thank You to Peter Sime for posting this on Youtube!
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