Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Craig and Luke at work on the roof.

Scaffolders Craig Adams and Luke Destin at work on the roof (photo: Colin Foy).

Temporary roof lets greenhouse work continue

The restoration of the greenhouse in Alexandra Park is now able to continue in all weathers thanks to temporary roofing provided by a local scaffolder. 

St Leonards-based Dynamic Scaffolding have installed a temporary plastic roof on the greenhouse at their own expense so that volunteers can continue to work inside the 1930s structure in rainy weather, Lynda Foy reports on behalf of theAlexandra Park Greenhouse Group.

Greenhouse volunteers have already cleared the site of trees and brambles as part of an ambitious project to restore the site for community use. They have also installed cold frames and new paths to improve access. For the project to be completed, £140,000 needs to be raised. As well as a permanent roof, the greenhouse would include a reception and study  area, raised beds and cold frames for growing plants , plant displays, a potting area and a plant sales area.

Meanwhile, as winter draws on, work in the greenhouse on will be facilitated by the temporary roof.

The offer to install free roofing came when greenhouse group chairman Linda Pearson contacted company director Matt Upton to seek an estimate for covering the 100-foot structure. Instead he offered to send a three-man team to cover the roof’s teak timbers in Monarflex sheeting. The work was carried out by scaffolders Craig Adams, Luke Destin and Jareth Mansfield over two days in early September.

Craig at work.

Craig Adams at work (photo: Colin Foy).

“We are touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of this local company. It is so public-spirited,” said Linda.

“We like to do a lot of charity work,” said Matt’s fellow director Ross Garnett. “We have done work for the Round Table and we sponsored the Hastings Beer Festival. We like to help the community when we can and this is a very worthwhile project.”

The greenhouse is open every Saturday from 10.30am to 1pm when visitors can buy plants or bring much-needed cuttings which volunteers can grow and then sell to help their fund-raising. Young gardeners are particularly welcome on Saturdays learn about plants and how to grow them.

The site will also be open on Sunday 11 September, from 11am to 4pm, as part of the national Heritage Open Days. Other events will include a Halloween gathering on 31 October 31, with a spooky train ride on the park’s miniature railway, and a Christmas wreath-making workshop for children and adults. For further details, see the group’s website or telephone 01424 442790.


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Posted 12:18 Friday, Sep 9, 2016 In: Grassroots

Also in: Grassroots

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