Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Spencer Tunick: Harbour Arm.

Kit off for Spencer Tunick

Last year the Jerwood hosted a special evening with the Chapman Brothers, through the Museums at Night programme. The Jerwood was in competition with two other UK museums and people were invited to participate in an online vote to decide which museum ‘won’ the night with the Chapmans. This year, the prize on offer is Spencer Tunick – the artist famous for photographing crowds of citizens in their birthday suits. HOT’s Erica Smith surveys the scene…

The competition is, ahem – stiff. At the moment the Jerwood is lagging behind, with only 29% of the vote, compared to 35% of the votes cast for Georges House Gallery in Folkestone and 36% for Brighton Museum.

Jerwood’s Communications and Marketing Manager, Ella Lewis-Collins remains unfazed by the state of play – “Last year we were competing against a London museum and won with 43% of the vote. The online vote only opened on Tuesday and it stays open until Tuesday 28 January, so there is plenty of time to add your vote to help bring Spencer Tunick to Hastings.”

In order to make sure everyone knows about the competition, brave Spencer Tunick fans have pledged to bare all at 10.15am this Friday, for a naked photo-shoot on The Stade. If you want to show your support and join them, you’ll be greeted with a warm welcome.

Spencer Tunick self-portrait with photo viewer

Spencer Tunick self-portrait with photo viewer.

If the thought of getting naked in public makes your flesh creep, you can still show your support for Spencer Tunick by voting here.

If Hastings wins the vote, Spencer Tunick will come to town to take a photograph in mid-May this year. All participants will get a special individual photograph in a viewer as a thank you for participating in this giant display of mass nudity within the landscape.



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Posted 14:26 Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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