Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for February | 2023 | Page 3 of 3

Compost Community hub at Ore Community Centre

Hastings and St Leonards’ Compost Community held their first AGM recently, reporting on their progress, their future goals and their belief that the future resilience of the town will depend on such grassroots initiatives. Keen to be part of a local composting system and hearing of the compost hub opening at Ore Community Centre, HOT’s Zelly Restorick went along to find out more.

Hundreds march in Hastings to support striking workers

Massive strike action took place across the UK today. Gabriel Carlyle reports on what happened in Hastings and St Leonards, as well as who is on strike next.

Posted 21:29 Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 In: HOT Topics Tags: , , ,

Why HBC was right to veto the Alexandra Park cycle route

Bea Rogers replies to the article by Anna Sabin, a member of Hastings Urban Bikes, criticising Hastings Borough Council’s decision to refuse the cycle path through Alexandra Park. A cyclist herself, she also proposes a new approach to walking and cycling which, she says, “is less aggro, more peaceful co-existence.”

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