Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2022 | Page 33 of 43

‘Pangaea’: a personal response to refugees arriving on our beaches

‘Pangaea’, conceived as a club night of global sounds to raise money for Hastings Supports Refugees (HSR), was Jaen Loftin‘s personal response “to the arrival of traumatised refugees on the beaches where I live, it was such a reality check. Women and children fleeing war and terror arriving here on our beaches”. Pangaea raised not only awareness of this situation, but over £1,200 too. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asked Jaen some questions about the event and Polly Gifford tells us about HSR. All photos: Billy Collins.

Searching For Kushti

Searching For Kushti is a exhibition of photographs by Hungarian Roma photographer, Béla Váradi and New Traveller, Jules Earl, who have been investigating how their own wider communities continue to preserve identity, culture and community, writes HOT reporter/photographer, John Cole.

ABC of Feminism

A multidisciplinary exhibition shining a light on the work of female creatives has been on show throughout March at Stella Dore gallery in Norman Road. The show runs until Saturday 2 April and HOT’s Erica Smith recommends  you get down to see it whilst you can.

Posted 20:04 Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 In: Arts News

Wedding protest spotlights Council failure over fossil fuel investments

Yesterday,Tuesday 22 March, climate campaigners from across East Sussex, Brighton and Hove staged a mock wedding between East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and fossil fuels (oil, coal & gas) outside County Hall in Lewes before ESCC’s Full Council meeting. Entited ‘Till Divest Do Us Part’, the theatrical protest – featuring a vicar, a veiled bride, multiple suitors representing the fossil fuel industries, as well as a congregation – was held to highlight ESCC’s ongoing refusal to stop investing the East Sussex Pension Fund in the giant fossil fuel (oil, coal and gas) companies that are driving the climate crisis. Divest East Sussex’s Gabriel Carlyle explains why you should check out your suitors before tying the knot.

Posted 21:48 Wednesday, Mar 23, 2022 In: Campaigns

Sea Change hit by resignations of council board members

Troubled times for Sea Change Sussex persist with the resignation of two of the three council representatives on its board. Rother’s Cllr Kevin Dixon presents a very different picture of the company from what it offers itself. Nick Terdre reports.

Despatches from Krakow

“It’s all quite strangely normal here in  Krakow.” – Christine Jackson told HOT’s Sam Davey. “The streets are still full of holiday makers and hen-parties – but you know there is a war going on just across the border”.

‘Rossettis in Love’ exhibition

There’s a Pre-Raphaelite exhibition next Saturday (26 March) in St Clement’s church in Hastings Old Town.  Bernard McGinley reports.

Waterweek 2022

Together artists Clare Whistler and Charlotte Still have been following an organic process of being with and thinking about water and where this process will take them. A water wandering; inquisitive, interactive, immersive, reflective, poetic, experiential, unexpected, spontaneous and flowing. On the way they have constantly looked for ways to share their experience and convey their rapidly growing concerns and reverence for water.

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