Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 46 of 55

Meet Gen-Zedder Brandon Relph

19-year-old Brandon Relph is one of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and the world’s leading youth specialist. He is currently the CEO of Studio BE – a disruptive technology and production company that lives in the intercept of traditional and digital media, focusing on the under-24 market. He was formerly the youngest CEO in the UK, (for a year and a half). This is why Anastasia Witts invited him to participate in The Platform arts and technology conference which was due to open the #AltPitch Festival. Sadly, The Platform has had to be postponed to later this year because of Covid-19, but HOT’s Erica Smith caught up with Brandon in cyberspace to learn what makes him tick.

Comfort food – Part 1 (plus local literary info)

Do you  need a change from nordic noir or, as things are at the moment, global noir? Coronavirus means that we’re all in this together, but ironically, it’s the kind of shared experience that we are going to survive best if we stay on our own. Angela J. Phillip goes in search of some good books to lift our spirits. Time to stock up. Might be just as good as pasta and baked beans – and equally as necessary.

Suspected arson at Labour’s Bohemia Road headquarters

Police are investigating a fire at Hastings Labour Party headquarters on Tuesday evening, an incident they say they are treating as suspicious. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 19:32 Thursday, Mar 12, 2020 In: Politics Tags: , ,

HBC and ESC sign landmark pact to tackle climate change

Hastings Borough Council and Energise Sussex Coast have signed a landmark agreement to work in partnership to tackle the impact of climate change in the town, as the council’s communications department explains in a statement.

Caroline Lucas to launch local Greens’ election campaign

Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP, will return to Hastings in late March to launch the party’s local election campaign in which the Greens will stand candidates in all wards. Nick Terdre reports.

VB Crake and his contribution to the heritage of St Leonards

In a talk on Sunday 22 March under the auspices of the Burtons’ St Leonards Society, Christopher Maxwell-Stewart will throw light on Vandeleur Benjamin Crake, who followed in the footsteps of the Burtons with his contributions to the architectural and cultural heritage of St Leonards.

Theatre Nation does Beckett

Hastings-based company Theatre Nation brings Samuel Beckett to Sussex later this month. Waiting for Godot, the company’s third major production, opens at the White Rock Theatre on 25 and 26 March, before moving on to tour the country. Here A. Vasudevan talks all things Godot with producer Tom Daldry.

Derek Jarman in all his glory

‘Friends of Derek’, the latest exhibition at Norman Road’s Lucy Bell Gallery, is a joyous celebration of the filmmaker, artist and activist Derek Jarman, writes A. Vasudevan

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