Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 42 of 55

Care home’s newspaper keeps residents and families connected

As social distancing in the UK continues, local care home Hastings Court has created their own newspaper, the Hastings Court Crier, in a bid to keep families connected with their loved ones. Their latest news release follows.

Posted 14:33 Friday, Apr 10, 2020 In: Covid-19 Tags: ,

Covid capitalism or corvée?

Covid-19 raises questions about our economic model and whether we can continue with it when the corona virus crisis is over. Kendal Eaton, author of A Chance for Everyone: The Parallel Non Monetary Economy, proposes a new economic approach with the corvée – unpaid labour – at its heart.

Posted 19:50 Thursday, Apr 9, 2020 In: Point of View

HBC adopts climate strategy and action plan

Following up on its declaration of a climate emergency early last year, Hastings Borough Council has agreed a climate strategy and action plan to help take it to its target of achieving carbon neutrality in the town by 2030. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 20:55 Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020 In: The HOT Planet

Prospect beautiful – Derek Jarman’s cottage

Happy news, A. Vasudevan writes. After a period of great uncertainty about its future, Prospect Cottage, Derek Jarman’s Dungeness home, has been saved, following the Art Fund’s £3.5 million fundraising campaign.

Young writers offered isolation challenge

Budding young writers in Hastings and surrounding areas are being encouraged to use their creative skills during the coronavirus lockdown writes Alison Steel on behalf of the Hastings Young Writers’ Group.

Garden birds and summer migrants

Caroline Russell, membership administrator of Friends of Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve, shares her love of local bird life.

Posted 16:57 Tuesday, Apr 7, 2020 In: Nature

Strandliners: Cleaner Rivers, Cleaner Seas

Everyone at Strandliners sends best wishes and good health to all at these strange and uncertain times. They are in the process of creating some new methods of sharing news, activities and support for all, including those who may not be able to access the outdoors as usual. Andy Dinsdale writes.

Posted 15:16 In: Grassroots,Nature Tags:

FREE creativity workshops

Local artists, Janey Moffatt, Lee Shearman, Pip Rowson and Sophie Shaw were recently awarded funding from the National Lottery ‘Awards for All’ to run a series of FREE creative workshops that promote good mental health and build community. These were due to start in May. Obviously these are not going ahead as planned, but they feel like they could be more valuable than ever in our current circumstances, so they’re thinking about how they can take the project online.

Posted 11:46 Monday, Apr 6, 2020 In: Community Arts Tags: ,
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