Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 8 of 62

Hart selected to stand for Tories, who come under fire from Labour and Lib Dems

The Conservatives have finally picked their candidate – Rother councillor Sally-Ann Hart. She will be the sole Leave representative, following the Brexit Party’s decision not to contest the seat. Meanwhile Labour has raised the core issue of housing, criticising the government’s starter home policy for producing nothing, while the Lib Dems claim to have made inroads into the Tory vote. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 14:56 Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019 In: Elections Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

St Cecilia’s Day Vespers – as heard in Venice

On Saturday 23 November, Cantemusmusic and the Occasional Consort combine for a free concert – St Cecilia’s Day Vespers in Venice, featuring specially arranged music by Antonio Vivaldi and Antonio Lotti at Christ Church, St Leonards, writes Chris Cormack.

London Mozart Players tune up for first concert at Opus

The London Mozart Players, the UK’s longest-established chamber orchestra, are the new Artists in Residence at Opus Theatre, where they plan to deliver an exciting programme of classical music concerts and outreach work throughout the 2019/20 season. The orchestra’s Cat Fuller explains.

Having a go at marketing a self-published book part 1 (and literary events from 12 Nov 2019)

Marketing! The very word sends shivers through me and I don’t think I’m alone. I have looked with increasing desperation at ways to avoid this, but the time has come. In this post Angela J. Phillip sets off down the dreaded road in search of help.

Steeleye Span celebrate 50 years of pioneering folk rock with Hastings gig

Pioneering folk rock group Steeleye Span are celebrating 50 years with an anniversary tour. Ahead of their gig at St Mary in the Castle on 21 November, Darren Johnson talks to founder member Maddy Prior.

As Council prepares to sign contract, what’s best for the Bathing Pool site?

The future of the Bathing Pool site is in possible peril, but it’s all (mostly) a secret until the lease is signed — some time soon. How high will this development go? Bernard McGinley takes a look around Seaside Road and a much-loved open space.

A Billion Ways climate change musical to open at Kino-Teatr

A brand new musical on climate change starts a three-day run at the Kino-Teatr on 14 November, featuring an impressive cast of local talent. Katy Weitz explains how A Billion Ways was created. Photos by Peter Mould.

Pursuing The Change of Winter III

 A poem by Ben Fairlight Edwards

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