Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 39 of 78

Sun SHINES on European visitors

Delegates from northern Europe have enjoyed a fact-finding visit to Hastings, hosted by the borough council. HBC’s Kevin Boorman writes.

Launch of Bexhill Hive

Bexhill Hive is a hub for creative learning and development for both young people and adults who wish to develop the skills to work in the creative and digital industries, as well as a space for the creative community to gather, share ideas, learn and develop new skills and take part in creative activities.

Posted 09:55 In: Arts News Tags: ,

JJ Waller reviews St Leonards Festival in pictures and words

Friend of HOT and photographer JJ Waller has been photographing St Leonards for over a decade. The photos here document his experience of the St Leonards Festival events – and the Jeremy Corbyn rally – last Saturday.


Disquiet is a group show curated by Jason Williams, featuring painting, film, sculpture, print and collage works by artists

Who’s reigning on the Parade?

This morning – the day of the St Leonards Festival – at 9.30, the streets of St Lens were stirring. The Kings Road market was nearly up and ready for action, whilst dismayed dog walkers clustered around Warrior Square staring at barriers and white vans which blocked their normal promenade paths. “It’s all gone arty farty and political,” I heard one woman say to her companion, HOT’s Erica Smith writes.

Posted 10:50 Saturday, Jul 1, 2017 In: Election 2017 Tags: , ,
Rubbish on beach

Council cracks down on litter and dog fouling

Hastings Borough Council is launching a major initiative to crack down on litter and dog fouling in the borough. How do you feel about these issues? And the new officers patrolling the streets from the company, Kingdom? Fixed Penalty Notices?

Transition Town Hastings logo

FREE Recycle Swap Shop

Transition Town Hastings has organised another Recycle Swap Shop for 15 July from 10am – 1pm, alongside an energy advice cafe run by Energise Sussex Coast, some waste food demonstrations and recipes and ideas for how to store food to keep it longer from Make Food community chef

Preview Corner – What’s HOT in July

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