Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Station gardening with TTH

Station gardening with TTH.

Transition Town transformation of Warrior Square station

The Transition Town Hastings team and volunteers got together to transform the green space at St Leonards Warrior Square Station – and made a terrific impact. 

“We cut back the grass and bramble on either side of the steps to the north platform and chucked away all the Station Gardenrubbish. We found 5 unopened bottles of beer, two road traffic cones, bits of an old TV, a bucket, several pairs of shoes, a frisbee and at least six bags of recycling. One of the many drinks cans had a sell by date from 1987!”

Station_Garden8Hard work, but a good time was had by all!

Their next session is Sunday 3 January from 10am to 1pm. If you’re free and fancy a bit of post new year celebration exercise, please join them with your garden tools and enthusiasm.

Happy Christmas everyone from the Transition Town Hastings team.

New members very much welcome. There is a core Transition Town team, but new people are needed to achieve the goals identified by people at the meetings in connection with waste, sustainability, energy and many other transition themes. Please contact TTH via their website here.


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Posted 10:05 Tuesday, Dec 22, 2015 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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