Pop-up Happiness Cafe
Pop-up Happiness Cafe
Local Mind’s ‘Wellbeing in Hastings & Eastbourne Project’ is leading the provision of a Happiness Café in central Hastings throughout the summer. Su Barnicoat-Hill, Community Development Officer at Chances4Change East Sussex (Hastings) writes.
Open to everyone, it will offer creative activities and a safe space to chat. In particular, during the last week they will be offering people the opportunity to make fun accessories for Hastings Pride parade & festival.
Feel free to come down and get involved! Each week will offer something different, and updates will appear via www.facebook.com/lovehastingsloveyourself and email.
If you are part of an organisation, please feel free to come down to talk with people & promote your services: just let Jacy know in advance via email: jacy.kilvert@mindcharity.co.uk
FB Lovehastingsloveyourself – join the conversation!
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