Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Photo from the Super-T 2014 in Philapdelphia

From the Super-T 2014 in Philapdelphia.

Learn how to make meetings better

Enjoyable meetings. An oxymoron? A possibility to explore? The Making Meetings Better workshop is for you, if you would like meetings to be enjoyably effective rather than endlessly endured! Whether you’ve been facilitating/chairing meetings for years or you’re just considering taking this up, this session will help you take your next step as a facilitator, almost certainly introducing you to new tools and new approaches.

The workshop is provided by Turning the Tide, the Quaker nonviolence programme, at the request of Hastings Green Party. It is a facilitation workshop open to everyone involved in social change.

Gabriel Carlyle and Milan Rai are experienced activists and facilitators who have been working together for social change since 1998. Milan Rai attended Training for Change‘s 17-day Super-T activist training programme in Philadelphia in 2014.

Making Meetings Better: 2-5pm, Sunday 21 February, at White Rock Hotel, Hastings TN34 1JU. More info: 07980 748 555.

If you could spread the word about this as well, that would be brilliant.

Making Meetings Better Facebook page.

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Posted 19:01 Saturday, Jan 23, 2016 In: Grassroots

Also in: Grassroots

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