Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The ‘Gone’ installation in Trafalgar Square. Photograph © Anthony Jarman

XR perform climate change action on Hastings Pier

On Saturday morning, 11 July, Extinction Rebellion Hastings and St Leonards will temporarily install 1,000 pairs of children’s shoes on Hastings Pier, in a performance installation entitled GONE. Erica Smith checks in with XR’s Felix Lozano to find out more about the installation.

Originally performed in Trafalgar Square (London) by Extinction Rebellion UK, this powerful event will be recreated on Hastings Pier, where the proximity of the sea will amplify the imminent vulnerability of our children and young people to the impacts of the climate and biodiversity collapse. The installation is happening with the full consent of the pier management and is expected to take two–three hours.

Felix says: “The shoes send a chilling reminder that children and young people are most vulnerable to the climate and ecological emergency. As lockdown rules ease, Extinction Rebellion demand that the Government respond to these global crises with the same urgency as they have to Coronavirus.”

The shoes have been donated by supporters of Extinction Rebellion who are terrified for their children’s futures. Extinction Rebellion Hastings and St Leonards will be giving the donated shoes to a St Leonards charity to be distributed to local families.

La Pethick

Local grandmother of five, La Pethick, said, “I’m desperate when I think of the things to come and the thought of my grandchildren’s generation going hungry”.

Meanwhile 92-year-old local activist John Lynes said, “I feel anguish for children’s futures and it’s our generation that is to blame”.

As the government moves towards “business-as-usual” following lockdown, it has become clear that the general public desire a change of direction, with only 9% of the population wanting to go back to the way things were before the pandemic, and 48% agreeing that the government should respond with the same urgency to the climate and ecological crisis as the coronavirus crisis.

I want to help at this event – what can I do?

  • Arrive punctually at 10am at Hastings Pier on Saturday 11 July.
  • Wear BLACK.
  • Expect to take part in a solemn, respectful action.
  • The event will be filmed and photographed for the media, and it’s VITAL that you follow the guidance (choreography and art direction) to maximise the impact of this action.
  • People are needed to help lay out the shoes and wave flags etc.
  • People are needed to take on OUTREACH and STEWARDING.
  • There will roles for everyone who attends, and there will be a full briefing before we begin.
  • Please bring XR flags (any colour) and XR hi-vis vests if you have them.

‘Poster child’ wanted

XR are looking for a “poster child” age 4–8 to stand among the shoes. Volunteer needed!

The action is WEATHER DEPENDENT. Please watch for updates on our website and social media.

Please bring your own food and drink. Picnic seating and toilets will be available close by.

Social distancing guidelines will be followed. You are encouraged to wear a MASK and GLOVES (any colour).

There is a Facebook page with more information.

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Posted 20:42 Wednesday, Jul 8, 2020 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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