Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
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Link Launches disaster appeal

The Hastings Sierra Leone Friendship Link has launched a disaster recovery appeal after the tragic events have seen hundreds of people die and hundreds more missing after flash floods and landslips hit areas of Freetown and surrounding neighbourhoods in the peninsular area of Sierra Leone. Thousands made homeless as torrents of rain and mud raged through Regent and other settlements close to Freetown in Sierra Leone on Monday night. Entire families and houses were swept away. Survivors were trapped in the mud, amongst the wreckage and in the flood waters whilst the rain continued to pour down. 

Chairman of the Friendship Link, Richard Homewood said: “Sierra Leone was already in a fragile state post-Ebola and the Hastings community will find it difficult to cope with this still unfolding disaster, we need to get help to those in need as soon as possible. We are launching this appeal to raise funds and working with our partner charities, the Hastings Association Sierra Leone and Hastings Association UK to identify what is urgently needed be it food aid, medical aid or shelter and clothing. This is an Urgent Appeal to help save lives.”

Richard went on to say: “Fortunately the village of Hastings has not been as badly affected as areas higher in the hills but the impact of the disaster will affect everybody on the peninsular as people flee from the worst affected areas into nearby areas such as Hastings seeking help and shelter.”

“Our fundraising efforts continue with the popular music quiz at St Paul’s School on 15 September. Tables get booked up quickly so don’t miss out contact our Secretary, Robin on 01424 436603 or 07812 487378 or email

We are also planning an event at St Mary in the Castle on Hastings Day, 14 October, keep a look out for further details.”

You can donate now to the Friendship Link’s Sierra Leone Flood Disaster Appeal by going to our MyDonate page…/hastingssierraleonefriendshiplink or by going to our website where more information about the Friendship Link.


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Posted 17:23 Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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