Combe Haven artists
Link road campaign gathers momentum
The campaign against the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) continues to gather momentum with a series of events over the next three weeks, including public meetings in Hastings, Bexhill and Crowhurst, an art exhibition in St Leonards and a fundraising Ceilidh in Crowhurst. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.
The first of the public meetings, which are being organised to provide local opponents of the Road with opportunities to discuss ways of moving the Campaign forward, will be taking place in Hastings at 7.30pm on Tuesday December 4, at the Unitarian Church. Dates and venues for the meetings in Bexhill and Crowhurst will be available shortly on the Combe Haven Defenders web-site.
A month-long art exhibition, The Vision of the Valley, inspired by Combe Haven Valley and the campaign against the £100m+ Link Road, will also be taking place at the One Cafe, 1 London Road, St Leonards, beginning Monday 3 December. It will feature work by local artists and residents, including paintings and pictures produced during a combined walk, lunch and art event in Crowhurst and the Valley last Saturday, attended by over 40 people.

Ravin' in the Haven
A family-friendly Ceilidh in support of the anti-Link Road campaign – with local beer from a Brewery in Crowhurst and delicious homemade cakes – will also be taking place at Crowhurst Village Hall on Saturday 8 December. Tickets are available from Music’s Not Dead in Devonshire Road (Bexhill), Trinity Wholefoods (Hastings), the One Cafe (St Leonards) and from May Treu (830 490) in Crowhurst.
Combe Haven Defenders spokesperson Emily Johns said, “Although construction of the road is now very close, we are still determined to save Combe Haven Valley. Our aim now is to create spaces where local people can come together, learn about what’s happening in Combe Haven, build community, and discuss what they can do to be part of the campaign to stop this disastrous road.”
Contact 07926 423 033
[1] www.combehavendefenders.org.uk
[2] http://tinyurl.com/savecombehavenmtg
[3] http://tinyurl.com/chdceilidh
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