Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Terry and Javad

Terry and Javad

Help local family save Javad from deportation

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article about a young man called Javad and the any-day-now threat of his deportation back to Iran. To try and prevent this, a petition for the Home Office had been created by the family offering him a home and local people who know him. Signatures have been added to the petition, but more are needed – and I am writing again, to ask you to consider signing, if you haven’t as yet. With gratitude on behalf of all those connected to Javad, writes Zelly Restorick. I assure you 100% that this is a genuine situation about local people and their deep love for a young man they wish to protect and offer a safe haven.

To read more about Javad’s story and to sign the petition, please click on this link.

Javad in the garden

Javad in the garden

Javad’s parents died in an earthquake when he was around 12 years old, following which he was sent to an orphanage. The regime was very strict and required the young boys to be trained in the use of weaponry. Javad didn’t want this – and, with the help of some more street-wise young men, he managed to escape and found his way to the UK, where he believed he would find safety.

“I am a Muslim because that is what my parents believed and my faith is a link to them,” writes Javad (with Terry’s help) in a letter to the Home Office. “However, I didn’t agree with the religious teaching I was forced into after the accident which killed my parents. I also didn’t agree with having to fight with the Basij. I ran away because I refused to join the army. I don’t believe the government should make people learn these things but I am too scared of Hezbollah and the different types of police to protest about these teachings. My life was dangerous in Iran. I couldn’t do anything because I haven’t joined the army or done my time with the Basij.”

Young men are not allowed to work legally in Iran if they haven’t done their two years with the Basij. This would be particularly difficult for Javad as he has recently been diagnosed with autism, a condition which makes it difficult for the sufferer to cope with being around a lot of people and causes problems with social interactions as they tend not to pick up on body language or the emotions in a conversation.

Please sign the petition.

And now Javad has been offered a safe home by local residents, Terry and Stuart Alexander, who for the past year have given him a place within their family. Neither they nor Javad are in receipt of any benefits or financial support – and this isn’t an issue about wanting money.

Terry, Stuart and their friends fear that if Javad is deported back to Iran – where he hasn’t been for many years and where he has no friends or family – his life will be a inescapable nightmare. Javad has learning disabilities and mental health issues – and has been emotionally scarred to his core. However, since living with Terry and Stuart – and amongst the community that surround them – he is just beginning to emerge and respond to the love, care and support he is being shown.

When I asked Terry what the deadline was for his deportation, she said it could be any day now. However, she – and others who care – have started a petition to send to the Home Office – asking that he be allowed to stay, seeing as he is being offered a home by a family who deeply care for him and his survival and existence.

Please sign the petition. It will only take a minute or two – and your time and energy may make the difference to this young man’s life.

Please also send the petition on to others you know.

Javad with Terry and Stuart

Javad with Terry and Stuart

Javad – in Terry’s words

“Javad is a polite and helpful young man who can appear significantly younger than his years due to the lack of continuity, love, support, family life and education in his formative years. He is eager to learn and studies hard in an attempt to better himself. His confidence is growing daily and he has embraced many aspects of our life with enthusiasm (especially those linked to music).

“Initially, I knew Javad only as very vulnerable student in my Mathematics class. When I realised he was homeless, frightened and not eligible for any support, I made it clear I wanted to be part of the group of staff who were trying to do what they could for him.

“It soon became apparent that what Javad was lacking most after food, water and shelter was any form of love, human contact and consistency. This struck a chord with me as knew I could offer these things. In fact I want to so much it sometimes causes a pain in my stomach when I think of it.


“The pleasure I have got from seeing him start to relax and open up to people has been immense. I feel the same proud sense of achievement when I see him making eye contact, talking to someone or allowing himself to be touched that I would associate with a baby’s first steps or words. As each day goes by and he learns to trust me a little more, so my space in my heart for him grows bigger. I get so much pleasure in helping him with his homework, teaching him to cook or run the house, listening to him read, correcting his English, helping him understand science and talking about issues which are important to him

“Many people are impressed with the things I have done for him. However, the reality is that he has done far more for me. Our family is complete now and I can’t imagine what could be done to make me happier. He is the only chance I am ever going to have to give a free rein to the maternal side of me. While I can’t sit him on my lap and pat his head, I do feel very much that he is my ‘baby’ (even though he is a young man).


“I can’t bear the thought of losing Javad. Even moving him somewhere else in the UK would be a huge loss for me and, I feel, detrimental to his growth and well-being. Moving him back to Iran would make me lose part of me.

“I believe that it would be an investment to allow Javad to remain in this country as he would continue to put the required effort into his education and then into whatever employment he chose. He has been in England since a child and has nothing to go back to Iran for. His friends and his life are here. Given his current level of education and skills, I think it is unlikely he would be able to find employment or afford accommodation there whereas, given the chance, he could do so here.

“I am very aware that there are many desperate people wishing to live in the UK and that it isn’t possible to help all of them. However, there is only one who lives with me and I don’t want to lose him.”

Please sign the petition and save Javad from deportation.

JE Skateboard


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Posted 13:14 Tuesday, May 31, 2016 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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