Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Demonstration outside the Council’s offices

Council leader condemns Israel’s ‘inhumane’ attack on Al Mawasi

The leader of Hastings Borough Council has condemned Israel’s bombing of a tented encampment of displaced families in Al Mawasi, Gaza as ‘inhumane’. HDPSC Chair, Katy Colley reports.

Julia Hilton, leader of the Green Party in the East Sussex town of Hastings, was responding to demands for action from a coalition of local groups in a statement (see below) released recently after the area was struck by five 2,000 bombs, killing 40 and leaving 30 foot craters in the sand.

10 September 2024

Statement from HDPSC and others – we encourage all those organisations who want to join this statement to add names below. Thank you.

Emergency demo tonight at 6pm outside Muriel Matters House, Hastings.


We call on all our local leaders to condemn Israel’s horrifying massacre in Al Mawasi last night and to act immediately to stop the ongoing genocide.

There is no justification for dropping 2,000 lb bombs on displaced families sheltering in tents in a ‘safe zone’ after 11 months of terror and starvation.

Bombs so powerful they obliterated whole families in an instant and left 7 metre craters in the sand.

Bombs dropped from F-35 fighter jets for which the UK supplies parts.

For the last three years the people of Hastings have developed close cultural, educational and friendship links with the people of Al Mawasi.

We cannot stand by while our friends are massacred in cold blood.

We demand action. We demand accountability.

We demand an end to British complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Apartheid Israel’s reign of terror on the Palestinian people must end NOW.

MP Helena Dollimore and Hastings Borough Council must condemn these atrocities and make representations to the Foreign Office to end arms sales to Israel and impose sanctions now. They must also demand divestment from Israeli companies and those complicit in the illegal occupation and genocide in Palestine.

People of conscience in Hastings and around the world have had enough of this slaughter.

We are sickened, enraged and determined to do everything in our power to stop any more innocent lives being taken. We demand our leaders do the same.


Hastings and District Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Hastings Friends of Al Mawasi

Hastings Jews for Justice

Grieving for Gaza

Hastings Supports Refugees

Hastings & District Trades Union Council

Amnesty International, Bexhill and Hastings

Norfolk Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Hastings Independents Councillors

Demonstration outside the Council’s offices

Penned by Hastings & District Palestine Solidarity Campaign (HDPSC) and signed by the Hastings and District Trades Union Council, Hastings Jews for Justice, Amnesty International, Hastings & Bexhill and Hastings Friends of Al Mawasi among others, the statement stated: ‘People of conscience in Hastings and around the world have had enough of this slaughter.

‘We are sickened, enraged and determined to do everything in our power to stop any more innocent lives being taken. We demand our leaders do the same.’

Later that same day an emergency protest held outside Hastings Borough Council offices drew a crowd of 40 in the pouring rain, where HDPSC branch secretary Laurie Holden read a message from a friend in Al Mawasi who had survived the bombing.

The message read: ‘Our dear friends, we are fine, thank god. But we are in great pain because the massacre can only be described as genocide. There are entire families that have disappeared.

‘They are about a kilometre away from us but the place we are in rose from the ground and shook from the intensity of the bombing. Strange and very powerful bombs.’

Ahead of the protest, Council leader Hilton released a statement on behalf of the Hastings Green Group stating they were ‘shocked and saddened to hear of the attack on a designated safe zone in the al-Mawasi area of Khan Younis.’

The statement went on to say that the Green Party now recognised the current Israeli government as an ‘apartheid’ state and that its military operations against the Palestinian people were acts of ‘genocide’.

It affirmed the party’s support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and stated the party would continue to press the UK government to suspend all arms export licenses to Israel.

‘We recognise that, for several years now, the local group, Hastings Friends of al-Mawasi, has been fostering a close partnership with residents in al-Mawasi,’ it said. ‘Recent funds raised by the people of Hastings have been sent directly to al-Mawasi, for tents and other basic essentials, to help the thousands of displaced people sheltering there.

‘We condemn the inhumane attack on this community, a supposed humanitarian safe zone, and we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all who have been touched by this tragedy.’

The coalition had also reached out to the Labour MP for Hastings & Rye Helena Dollimore, but at the time of going to press, she had not responded.

People with banners standing outside the Council’s offices

It was heartening to see so many people come out at short notice on a rainy September evening to show their support and solidarity with the besieged and terrorised people of Al Mawasi. Nothing on earth can justify these massacres.

We welcome the statement from the leader of the council, condemning this latest atrocity, and look forward to those words being turned to action at a local and national level. However, it is disappointing that we have not yet heard from our MP at a time when so many in this constituency are heartbroken at the senseless slaughter.

Grace Lally from Hastings Friends of Al Mawasi said: ‘Hastings residents have been in constant contact with friends in Al-Mawasi over the last 11 months and were on a Zoom call only last Sunday. It has been deeply moving to see local people respond with empathy and generosity to the terrible plight of people in Palestine and we have raised tens of thousands of pounds to support the community there.

‘These are small but significant acts of solidarity at a time Gaza faces the possibility of complete annihilation.’

Protesters standing with banners and placards outside the Council offices

Full statement from Hastings Green Group:

Statement on Al-Mawasi Attack 10 Sep 2024

Councillor Julia Hilton, Leader of Hastings Borough Council and Councillor Glenn Haffenden, Deputy Leader of Hastings Borough Council, on behalf of the Hastings Green Group are shocked and saddened to hear of the attack on a designated safe zone in the al-Mawasi area of Khan Younis early this morning, claiming at least 19 lives and injuring dozens of others.

At our conference this weekend, the Green Party solidified its long-standing position on the side of peace and the upholding of international law. Our members voted overwhelmingly to pass a motion that recognises the current Israeli government as an ‘Apartheid’ state, and to name Israeli military operations as acts of ‘Genocide’, in accordance with international law. We are the only major political party to have done so.

The motion also affirms the Green Party’s support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement. Our MPs continue to press the UK government to suspend ALL arms export licenses to Israel.

We recognise that, for several years now, the local group, Hastings Friends of al-Mawasi, has been fostering a close partnership with residents in al-Mawasi. Recent funds raised by the people of Hastings have been sent directly to al-Mawasi, for tents and other basic essentials, to help the thousands of displaced people sheltering there.

We condemn the inhumane attack on this community, a supposed humanitarian safe zone, and we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all who have been touched by this tragedy.

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Posted 15:09 Saturday, Sep 21, 2024 In: Campaigns

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