Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

UnknownCut your energy costs and get free veg box!

Would you be interested in participating in a research experiment designed to help you cut the amount of energy you use in your home? The team at local not-for-profit organisation, Energise Sussex Coast is looking for local residents who’d be willing to take part in the ENERGISE Living Lab research project, along with thousands of other citizens nationwide. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asks Kate Meakin of Energise Sussex Coast about the research project and what you would receive in return for your participation.   

Why would someone want to take part in this research project?

As well as saving money on your bill and cutting your carbon emissions, all participants will receive a fortnightly fruit and veg box for the duration of the eight week Living Lab project as a thank you for taking part.

If you’ve been looking for a way to tackle your high energy bills then this is a great way to get motivated and be part of a community all trying to do the same thing.

What does the project involve?

The project will start by collecting data about the participant’s current energy use. Households will then work with the researchers at Kingston University, supported by local Energy Co-op, Energise Sussex Coast, to try and reduce the amount of energy they use in the home. The researchers aim to discover not just how much energy we use, but why we use the amount we do, and what is the cultural change we need to live more sustainably.

Who else is involved with the project?

Kingston University are leading the research project – and it involves participants from across the whole of the UK. Energise Sussex Coast are the local partner to help with recruitment and support the project and local participants. ENERGISE is the name of the European network for research, good practice and innovation for sustainable energy.

What is a Living Lab?

Living Labs are made up of householders in a particular area all taking part in a real life research project, where your home is the lab!

When does the ENERGISE project take place?

A researcher will visit participant homes to collect information about participant energy use between July and September.

The Living Lab is active! Participants will take energy saving measures and have regular conversations with the researchers between October and November.

Following this, a researcher will visit to find out how the Living Lab went and to collect information about participant energy use.

What is the aim of the ENERGISE Project?

ENERGISE recognises that cultural change is a key ingredient in successful energy transitions. Individual energy consumption is a function of who we are, where we come from and the socio-cultural and material contexts in which we live. Societal norms and routines with regard to work, education, family life, consumption and recreation greatly determine our patterns of energy use as well as our ability and/or willingness to change those patterns. Without a comprehensive understanding of these energy cultures, public policy measures to reduce energy consumption at the individual or household levels are likely to fail.

How would someone find out more about the project or register to take part?

Please email me via

*** Energise Sussex Coast is also running a FREE impartial workshop: Is solar PV for me? Details and booking here.

thumbnail_1 EU_H2020_logo_ENERGISE_ENThe ENERGISE Living Lab research project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 727642.

ENERGISE LIVING LAB for more information on the Energise Living Labs

ENERGISE SUSSEX COAST for more information on Energise Sussex Coast


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Posted 07:16 Sunday, May 20, 2018 In: Energy Wise

Also in: Energy Wise

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