Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Motorcyclists in traffic (Dreamstime photo)

Motorcyclists in traffic (Dreamstime photo).

Around and about (XIII)

A friend of mine has asked me to write about her motor-biking friend, who died at the end of June on the road to Icklesham, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. “So sad… have lost a few friends this way… time to raise awareness, please. My advice? Put your phone in the boot so you can’t be tempted to answer it or text in jams, etc, unless you stop properly.”

The friend, a 61-year-old man from Hastings, was riding a Triumph Legend motorbike when he was involved in a collision with a car. “THINK BIKE!” says my friend: a sentiment echoed by all those in the Hastings motorbiking community.

“Injuries to motorcyclists are out of proportion to their presence on our roads. Motorcyclists are just 1% of total road traffic, but account for 19% of all road user deaths.” (Think!)

For some tips for both motor-bikers and car drivers: Think Bike government site.


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Posted 20:39 Monday, Jul 6, 2015 In: Around and about

Also in: Around and about

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