Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Old Masters visit Hastings

Katherine Reekie’s sensational Art on the Beach last week at the Arts Forum was a LOL treat. She has imagined what a string of master artists would make of Hastings seafront. Breughel’s hunters trudge past a trawler, Picasso gives the net huts the Cubist treatment, Magritte slyly magics them into clouds, Anthony Gormley’s Field becomes a Beach, Dali has a go at the Boating pool with swans transforming into elephants, Chagall’s Green Man fiddles. Witty in conception and meticulous in execution, it has our nomination for the year’s Arts Forum calendar.

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Posted 08:44 Friday, Jun 18, 2010 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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