Art classes for unpaid carers and those they care for at Hastings Contemporary and De La Warr Pavilion
Drawing Life’s Judy Parkinson launches a new project at Hastings Contemporary and De La Warr Pavilion this spring. Susan Jane Murray reports.
When Drawing Life was established ten years ago by Hastings-based Judy Parkinson, it offered free, regular, artist-led, creative sessions for people living with dementia and their carers.
Now Parkinson is extending the reach of this innovative and successful project to all unpaid carers and the people they care for, whatever their health needs, with monthly sessions at Hastings Contemporary beginning on 6 March and De La Warr Pavilion on 24 April.
‘It became obvious that carers benefited just as much from Drawing Life sessions as the people they care for and that classes were an invaluable social lifeline for carers who find themselves isolated due to their myriad responsibilities looking after a loved one,’ says Parkinson. ‘With that in mind we have hatched a new format and extended our offer to people of all ages and all needs’.
The fun, relaxed sessions will take place each first Thursday of the month at Hastings Contemporary and last Thursday of the month at De La Warr Pavilion. Parkinson emphasizes that no artistic experience is necessary and that the sessions and all materials, conversation, tea and biscuits are free of charge.
Participants will be encouraged to take inspiration from the work in the gallery and then make some marks and doodles.
In fact, Mr Doodle himself, the well-known Kent-based artist, is supporting the project by donating free sweatshirts for participants.
Each artist-led session will be a bit different; the Drawing Life team will suggest a range of artistic methods, catering to diverse interests and abilities, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the transformative power of art.
‘We know from ten years’ experience that art activities make big differences to people’s lives,’ says Parkinson. ‘Many carers have told us that our sessions are social occasions where they form invaluable friendships with other carers and us. Art opens conversations between carers about memories and achievements – childhood, family, careers.
‘Those they care for discover fun ways to express themselves and communicate feelings and memories non-verbally. The quiet concentration we observe every time is a precious sign that stress and anxiety are put aside for a while’.
Drawing Life are very grateful to The National Lottery Community Fund, Hastings Contemporary, De La Warr Pavilion and The Hastings Winkle Club for their support – as well as Mr Doodle.
‘If you’re a carer for anyone of any age, come and make some art and grab your free sweatshirt!’ says Parkinson.
First meet-up at Hastings Contemporary on Thursday 6 March, 2.30 to 3.30pm.
First meet up at De La Warr Pavilion on Thursday 24 April, 11.15am to 12.15pm.
To book please contact Judy Parkinson at info@drawinglife.org and let her know if you need help with transport or parking.
Hastings Contemporary Studio
Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings TN34 3DW
De La Warr Pavilion Studio
Marina, Bexhill-on-Sea TN40 1DP
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