Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Writing group in action

Writing group in action

Want to do some creative writing but not sure where to start?

If so, the group run by Dany Louise  might be exactly what you are looking for. Dany runs an informal creative writing session once a month, focusing on one aspect of writing each session – could be dialogue, could be description, opening sentences, plotting, character, or any theme that makes good writing material (love, death, and pretty much everything in between).

“We usually do three writing exercises each session,” says Dany, “sharing these and ‘homework’ with each other. We might look at how other writers have approached a subject or technical challenge, or listen to song lyrics – my holy trinity of Dylan, McCartney and Springsteen often feature. I might bring something brilliant to the group from a book I am currently reading. And in between all this, we drink coffee, enjoy entertaining tangents and generally laugh a lot.

“It’s a process that builds confidence and leads to individuals finding their own writing voice, identifying their strengths and the style and genre that they are most comfortable with.

“Here’s how one group member describes it: “We have some very stimulating ideas – all thanks to Dany at the helm. I look forward to the sessions, have met some very talented local people and hope we continue in to the future. Thanks Dany, for making it happen for me and the other lovely people.”

“(No bribery involved, honest)

“The group began when I was running an Arts Council funded writing project in 2017, with three writing workshops at The Bridge community centre. I wanted to reach Hastings residents who might not normally go to something like this, and advertised widely in Ore. This brought about 17 women to the first of three workshops. On the final one, they asked if I would continue to run sessions, and that’s what I’ve been doing since (with some welcome help from the Magdalen & Lasher charity). We still have five women from that original group coming, and we’ve just started Sunday afternoon writing retreats once a month as well, for those of us who have our own projects and want some dedicated time to work on them in the company of other writers. (Because writing can be a lonely business).

“We meet at Rue de Pera on Queens Road and the sessions are open to everyone  – men as well as women – with any level of writing experience. All that is required is paper, pen and enthusiasm!

“So let me invite you to our next session, on Thursday 15 November, 1-3pm. All are welcome – and the cost is £6, or £4 concessions.

“I look forward to meeting new writers, but do drop me a quick email to let me know that you are coming:

Dany Louise’s website.

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Posted 11:43 Monday, Nov 5, 2018 In: Literature

Also in: Literature

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