Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Divertimento for Rope and Strings


A concert unravels, we step inside the music. Divertimento for Rope & Strings is a playful, unexpected collaboration between the artist, Gisele Edwards, and two eminent classical musicians. Crossing boundaries of circus, music, physical theatre and visual arts it looks at how we experience music three dimensionally – viscerally, physically, spatially. Dominika Hicks writes.

Playing with themes of body, movement and space, Divertimento for Rope and Strings considers how simple bodies can, through movement, give rise to something as ethereal as music.

Divertimento for Rope and Strings

Divertimento for Rope and Strings

“Amazing, I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“It was fresh, irreverent, surprising and very funny. I really enjoyed it.”

“I thought it was fascinating. I found the fiddle and cello playing absolutely astonishing. And Gisele, she’s phenomenal, she gets stronger and stronger, it’s just extraordinary to watch the shapes that she creates and the incredible control she manages.”

“It was sort of like a modern representation of opera. It was really cool that they matched story with music so well, so it gave you two points of focus rather than just music.”

“I was brought to tears . . . so simple but brilliant, absolutely moved to tears.”

Please help launch the official premiere and finalise preparations for touring and bookings!

MSL Projects is co-producing Divertimento for Rope & Strings conceived by Gisele Edwards and they are asking for support to deliver the premiere in Hastings in April, by sharing this information with your network and/or make a donation.

For more information and to back this performance, please visit Indiegogo: Divertimento for Rope and Strings Official Premiere.

For more information please follow the MSL Facebook page or visit Divertimento.

Divertimento: free premiere performance at St Mary in the Castle on Thursday 5 April. Join us for the performance, a drink and a chat at 5.30pm for 6pm.


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Posted 08:27 Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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