Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
basta violencia es cobrar 600 euros

Image: Spanish trade union C.C.O.O (Commisiones Obreros)

Colombia Day

An afternoon focused on the political situation in Colombia. With speakers addressing coal mining in Colombia, workers solidary through trade unions, and how these issues relate to climate change. There will also be Latin music and food.

Interested in Latin America? Disgusted by what Trump is doing against people from Central America?  Care about what Trade Unionists suffer in these countries? Want to do something about the destruction of the Amazon rain forest? Would like to know more about the role of UK based multinationals in the horrors of global warming?Enjoy eating Latin American food? Speak (or would like to be able to) Spanish? Like Spanish language music from Honduras, Colombia, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico? Want to listen to and encourage young refugee musicians?

Then book your ticket (FREE) for the Hastings and District Trades Council ‘Colombia and Latin America Day’.

All welcome. Free event. Donations accepted. Wheelchair accessible.

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Poster designed by Erica Smith

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Posted 14:11 Monday, Sep 16, 2019 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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