Inner Smile Qigong
Inner Smile Qigong
Ben Fairlight Edwards is a man of many hats… medical herbalist, piano technician, storyteller, musician and also a professional Qigong teacher with his Inner Smile Qigong workshops. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asks him about his own practice and the benefits of exploring energy or Qi.
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We’re so lucky in this town to have so many well-being professionals teaching and sharing their skills. You teach Qigong. What is this and what drew you to learning about this practise and training to be a teacher?
Well, why I do Qigong for myself every day is because it’s easy and it quickly makes a significant difference to how my body feels, how I relax, how I breathe and how quiet and clear my mind becomes.
Qigong means ‘energy exercise’. ‘Qi’ means life force and all energy on this planet and surrounding the planet. ‘Gong’ means ‘task, work, practise and goal arrived at through effort.’
Yet most important – and the key to success – is relaxation of the body and mind.
You’ve trained in all sorts of therapies and exercise, but I’ve heard you say that Qigong has had a much deeper and also quicker effect on your own health than anything else? Why do you think this is?
I think it’s because of its simplicity – as in the principle of ‘less is more’. Relaxing the mind and the body first in a general way, followed by more focused opening of the joints and the breath, then relaxing even more, mentally focusing even more… we essentially get out of our own way and so allow energy – Qi – to flow.
Why is it important for energy to flow?
Our bodies are built to flow. The blood circulation needs to flow unimpeded throughout the body to be able to nourish and cleanse every part of it. Everywhere the blood goes, Qi flows. Simple relaxation of our muscles allows better blood flow. Simple relaxation allows better Qi flow. Stagnation of flow leads to blockages and possibly pain and disease.
Who can practise Qigong?
Everyone! The great thing is it’s very adaptable so you can do it sitting, standing, lying down, on the bus, waiting for the bus, using a moment’s thought and a breath or five minutes opening and closing the body’s Qi – or for a practice at the start or end of your day.
What are benefits?
It puts the body in touch with its own ability to heal, re-balance and find things that nourish it. So the benefits are down to what each individual needs. It can become a personal tool for growth, change and a life free of suffering. This sounds like a big claim, but I only say this because of my own personal experience with Qigong.
Ben is beginning a new series of drop-in Inner Smile Qigong workshops on Thursday evenings at Ore Community Centre, 455 Old London Road, Ore, TN35 5BH, beginning Thursday 8 November, 6pm – 7pm. £5 per session or £40 for 10 sessions.
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Also in: Health Matters
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