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TOP self-care eating tips

HOT’s Zelly Restorick came across these self-care tips from Rolf Gordon, who suggests the three main ‘vitamins’ we need when we are eating are as follows:

T is for time

Give ourselves time to eat. Keep our food in our mouths as long as possible before swallowing, as our saliva is a major part of our digestive system.

If we eat under stress, our stomachs can close down for up to two hours, so we do not benefit from our food.

O is for oxygen

Eat slowly so we can breathe more during eating and more oxygen enters our stomachs, making calories burn better and thereby our bodies gets the maximum benefit from our food. If we do not burn calories properly, they will be stored as fat in our bodies.

P is for pleasure

Take pleasure in everything we eat, then our stomachs will digest it better; even if we are eating something we know is a little bit ‘naughty’! If we are on a diet, have that cream cake or what we long for, now and again. Then we are much more likely to keep to a diet.

Rolf Gordon

Rolf Gordon

We must feed our souls.
It is not only what we eat; it is also how we eat it.

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Posted 17:34 Thursday, Aug 16, 2018 In: Health Matters

Also in: Health Matters

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