Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Right Now - Exhibition ImageRight Now!

Project Art Works present new work by members of the Accelerate Studio. Meeting every Tuesday, the Accelerate Studio is a creative programme for adults with complex needs, including those with profound and multiple needs. Within the studio, the artist team work alongside participants to develop both collaborative and individual bodies of work. Jessica Courtney Bennett writes. 

This exciting new exhibition reflects the changing installations and sensory environments often created within the Accelerate Studio.

About Project Art Works

Established in 1997 and based in Hastings, Project Art Works is the UK’s leading artist-led organisation working with children, young people and adults who have complex support needs.

Over the years, the project has worked with thousands of people with complex needs and continues to offer support and friendship to them and their families.

Their programmes evolve through personalised, supported studio practice and radiate out to awareness raising and skills development in the cultural sector in order to promote diversity in programming and relevancy for audiences. They promote and disseminate artist’s work through a wide range of projects, exhibitions, co-commissions, film, publications and digital platforms.

Through a personalised and holistic approach, their studio programmes and outreach projects provide freedom and purpose through art. The studio environment is recreated wherever a project takes place. The studio is a place where events and happenings unfold revealing the essential abilities and nature of all those involved.

Artists and makers work together, collaborate and where possible, talk about the studio and what takes place there. If someone does not use language to communicate, interaction is expansive rather than reductive utilising gesture, sound, signing and empathy.

A link to Project Art Works’ website. 

Right Now! Tuesday’s Accelerate Studio invite you to their exhibition, which is showing until 31 July at Arch 1, Project Art Works, Braybrooke Terrace, Hastings, TN34 1TDEmail: or phone: 01424 423555

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Posted 17:44 Monday, Jul 2, 2018 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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