Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Mosaic wall by Warrior Square Station

Mosaic wall by Warrior Square Station

‘Meet You At The Mosaic’ project

Congratulations! The Transition Town Hastings (TTH) initiative, ‘Meet You At The Mosaic’, has been selected as one of the chosen projects for the March – April 2018 Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme. HOT’s Zelly Restorick, keen to spread the word and gather support, asks TTH about the project.

What was the inspiration for applying for the Tesco Bags of Help Grant?

Transition Town Hastings is an environmental group with a focus on activities that bring the community together. They have already created the Community Fruit & Vegetable Garden at St Leonards Warrior Square Station and would now like to facilitate a community designed – and created – mosaic at the front of the station.

Please scroll down to discover more about the project, how you can participate and how you can help TTH win the Tesco Bags Of Help Grant.

How have people responded to the ‘Meet You At The Mosaic’ project?

The proposal has been presented to the Southeastern Train Company, who have given their wholehearted approval and we have also conducted a street survey with the local community and immediate neighbourhood (approximately 100 participants and an online survey with over 30 responses) with a unanimous response: it would be a positive addition to the area.

Emma Law, Mosaic Malarky

Emma Law, Mosaic Malarky

Who’s going to be involved?

TTH will employ a professional mosaic maker, Emma Law from Mosaic Malarky, a highly skilled craftswoman of many years experience, who creates amazingly beautiful mosaics. She will lead on a number of workshops, inviting around 175 participants from schools, The Seaview Well-being Project, Gizmo DIY Theatre Company and the general public to design and complete the mosaic. There will also be a number of volunteers taking part. This will all take place within the Gizmo Café, thereby promoting partnership working and bringing their café and charity work to the attention of more people.

How will this project benefit the local community?

TTH feel this project will benefit the overall community, young and old alike, in the following ways:

  • Encourage, empower and enthuse people to come together to create artistic works through community projects
  • Encourage confidence in self-expression
  • Promotes trust & self-belief through completing high quality projects
  • Help to improve interpersonal skills & reduce isolation

Those surveyed told TTH they believe the mosaic will visually improve the area, bringing colour and fun to an otherwise barren space; not only bringing pleasure to locals but also being a unique, memorable and welcoming sight for visitors. For those taking part, it will also bring a sense of ownership and pride to their area, making the area more likely to be looked after and valued by all.

For more information, contact

One of Emma Law's beautiful mosaics

One of Emma Law’s beautiful mosaics

How you can help TTH win the Tesco Bags of Help Grant

During March and April 2018, you can visit any of the Tesco stores shown below and vote for ‘Meet You At The Mosaic’ project by using a token at The Bags of Help display. You might have to ask customer services or a cashier for a token, if there are none available at the display.

This project will be competing for the Bags of Help Grant with two other local projects. Customers’s votes decide the outcome, so please make sure you vote for ‘Meet You At The Mosaic’, supporting Transition Town Hastings, St Leonards Warrior Square Station and the local community, who really want this to happen.

Participating Tesco stores


To check the location of any of the above stores, please go to the Tesco website here.

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within the store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction. It’s not necessary to purchase a bag in order to receive a token.

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Posted 13:04 Friday, Mar 2, 2018 In: Community Arts

Also in: Community Arts

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