Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
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Transition Town Hastings logo

Transition Town and St Leos Festival

St Leonards Festival is nearly upon us (9 and 10 July) and Transition Town Hastings are preparing for a fun day on the Saturday. They will be based in front of St Leonards Warrior Square Station rather than Warrior Gardens for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it’s right near the Community Garden so they can show people around and explain what they’ve been up to and what’s been planted there already. Hopefully, it will entice more people to get involved and be a part of the future decisions. They already have an amazingly committed team and are having so much fun, but the more the merrier, eh!

Secondly, they’ll be having a Break & Make activity which is about preparing the materials for a mosaic they are intending to get funding for, to create with the community, and install on a wall in front of the station. They’re not doing all of that on one day! The activity (smashing crockery up!) is about promoting the project and preparing for it- we are looking to start designing and creating around August/September.

Thirdly, it’s a great space to show off the towns newly installed CoWheels Cooperative! Barbara Rogers will be bringing the ‘share’ car over to the station and showing you how you can hire it.

Would you like to join in helping TTH make this happen? Either leading up to the day or doing a shift on the day (not on your own obviously). Contact Transition Town Hastings team via their website.

Have a smashing time with Transition Town at the St Leonards’ Festival!
WHEN: Saturday, 9 July 2016 11-6pm.
WHERE: Warrior Square Station parking lot.

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Posted 11:26 Tuesday, Jul 5, 2016 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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