Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Gabriel Carlyle on the site Photo from CHDs

Gabriel Carlyle on the site (photo: CHD).

Court challenge for Queensway Gateway Road

HOT has received a press release from the Combe Haven Defenders about a local resident who is challenging the building of the Queensway Gateway Road in the High Court, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. Local resident Gabriel Carlyle states categorically that the project would breach air pollution levels, contribute to climate change and threaten protected species. 

Personally, I am delighted to hear that someone has the time, energy, courage and talents needed to challenge this decision. From my own personal experience – of a meeting about this development with John Shaw, CEO of SeaChange Sussex, who, when people in the room disagreed with him, raised his voice, threatened to walk out and had to be calmed by his out-of-town PR man, plus conversations with many local residents in the area who objected to the development but felt their objections were useless as the decision had already been made – I am thrilled that someone has the courage to challenge this organisation in a more formal, legal environment.

Here’s the press release:
“A legal challenge against the decision by Hastings Borough Council’s planning committee to grant permission for the £15m Queensway Gateway road has been launched, claiming that the committee failed to take account of breaches of national and EU laws on air pollution that would be caused by the project.

“The challenge, which is being brought by St Leonard’s resident Gabriel Carlyle, also claims that the committee failed to take account of the Habitats Directive on protected species; failed to consider alternatives to the road; and failed to take account of the cumulative effect of the road and business park.

“In addition, it states that Hastings Council ‘failed entirely to consider the increase of greenhouse gas emissions that will arise from the proposal and so is contrary to any efforts the UK may be taking to tackle climate change’.

“The case, which is being conducted by lawyers from Richard Buxton – a specialist environmental and public law firm – should be heard at the High Court sometime between May and July.

“Permission for the Queensway Gateway road was granted on 4 February [1], despite almost 500 objections and clear evidence that it would cause irreparable damage to Hollington Valley local wildlife site, described in its designation report [2] as ‘invaluable and irreplaceable’. Councillors voted unanimously to approve the road, the primary purpose of which was described by the Head of Planning as ‘to provide access to the allocated employment sites’ [3].

“Gabriel Carlyle said, ‘At a time when the world is facing catastrophic climate change, it is utterly irresponsible to be building new roads and destroying green spaces. If this road is built, it will cause an increase in CO2 emissions, serious air pollution and great harm to protected species.  This legal challenge aims to compel the the Council to reconsider this damaging waste of public money before it is too late.”

Latest update

The latest news is that Sea Change Sussex have been ordered to cease work on the £15m road development, pending a judicial review in the High Court of the decision by Hastings Borough Council to grant planning permission.

Gabriel Carlyle said: “I am delighted that the High Court has ruled that Hastings Borough Council has a case to answer in its decision to grant planning permission for this destructive road, and has ordered Sea Change Sussex to cease any further work. This road would cause breaches in air pollution levels and an increase in greenhouse gases, as well as doing terrible damage to an important and irreplaceable wildlife site. I trust that if the council is required to reconsider the planning application, it will make the right decision next time and refuse permission.”

For further details and updates, check the Combe Haven Defenders‘ website or contact 07565 967 250.

* My views – and those of the CHDs – do not represent the views of everyone involved with Hastings Online Times. ZR




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Posted 17:23 Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 In: Home Ground

1 Comment

  1. DAR

    Well done, that man! Air pollution is getting worse in this area because of over-development (which inevitably generates more polluting traffic). Time to call a halt.

    Comment by DAR — Thursday, Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:38

Also in: Home Ground

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