Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Speckled Wood Photo by ZR

Speckled Wood (photo by ZR).

Good news for Speckled Wood

Some good news on the environment front: after 10 years of vigorous and determined campaigning by a number of groups and individuals, Speckled Wood in Ore has been declared ‘saved’. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports. After so much destruction of local natural spaces for development and road building, it is lovely to learn that Speckled Wood is to be preserved for the local community in Ore, any passing-through visitors to the area – and of course, all the non-human residents of the wood.

Speckled Wood map

Speckled Wood map.

Haven of flora and fauna

Reading Tressell News, produced by the local Labour team, Peter Chowney, Tania Charman and Jeremy Birch confirm that ‘most of the woodland is now safe’. In an area where there is little open green space, this is good news for local residents and the non-human species that inhabit the woods.

Ore's decreasing green space

Ore's decreasing green space.

Where is Speckled Wood?

Speckled Wood is the wooded valley to the east of Greville Road, running from Victoria Avenue in the north down to Frederick Road. In Hastings draft Development Management Plan (DMP), it’s proposed that most of this land should become protected open space – and the planning inspector has supported this proposal. Cllr Tania Charman states: “This is a wonderful conclusion to the hard work carried out by local people over the years to open up the woodland and create the haven of flora and fauna it has become.”

Enjoy in perpetuity

Speckled Wood Photo from Tressell ward website

Speckled Wood (photo from Tressell Ward website).

Peter Chowney states: “As the inspector has approved the council’s proposals, most of the woodland is now safe. The Victoria Avenue site owners have objected to the inspector’s proposed modifications – to protect sites off Old London Road and Victoria Avenue – but hopefully the inspector will stand firm. The council has already agreed to declare the woodland a Local Nature Reserve after the plan is formally adopted. The next step will be to acquire the land, potentially through a local trust, so that it can be managed and maintained for people to enjoy in perpetuity.”

Benefits of greenery

I heard on the radio the other day that there is less crime in areas where there are green spaces – and of course, there are many other social, health and economic benefits for humans and society. Take a look at this report by Operation Groundwork. Nature doesn’t need us, but we need nature for all sorts of reasons.

Congratulations and gratitude

Well done to Ore Community Land TrustFriends of Speckled Wood Management Trust, the councillors and all those who have campaigned for so many years to protect this woodland from development. Another example of perseverance and determination paying dividends. Brilliant!

Love heart tree by ZR

Love heart tree by ZR.


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Posted 17:31 Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 In: Home Ground


  1. Amanda Nicol

    This is so great… Well done to everyone who fought for this. It seems that nature doesn’t often win.. very heartening indeed!

    Comment by Amanda Nicol — Saturday, May 2, 2015 @ 18:23

  2. Zelly Restorick

    It is so lovely to hear that other people are pleased about this news. It made me so happy to hear. I bumped into Aubrey, who’s been involved in the planning side of things – against development – and the first thing I asked him was ‘What news of Speckled Wood?’ And I was SO happy to read the Stoppress news flash from ‘Tressell News’ that the wood was saved. (This better not be bullshit, I thought also, but then my faith and hope stepped forward and thankfully drowned out my cynicism!) Hurrah!… for that little piece of nature that offers those who value it so much. Thank you to everyone who has sent a comment – and truly, from my heart – to all those who felt strongly enough about this green space to offer their energy and time – for free – to protect it from destruction. Stories like this give me faith… As access to wild, peaceful natural spaces offers me something very necessary to my soul. Zelly x

    Comment by Zelly Restorick — Saturday, May 2, 2015 @ 16:10

  3. Vanessa Fowler

    That is the best bit of news I have read for such a long time. Well done Martin and all who have fought with such passion to keep this area for the community and the wild life who live and depend upon the habitat. Congratulation for seeing some sense at last.

    Comment by Vanessa Fowler — Saturday, May 2, 2015 @ 14:18

  4. Bronwen

    What good news. Thanks to all who worked hard for this.

    Comment by Bronwen — Wednesday, Apr 29, 2015 @ 20:10

  5. Graham Ansell

    Thanks alot for everyone who contributed to the protection of the wood, it’s such a great wood.

    Comment by Graham Ansell — Wednesday, Apr 29, 2015 @ 13:07

  6. Patricia usher

    Well done everyone who campaigned to save this special place.When I was growing up 50/60s this was allotments as my Grandparents back garden backed onto the path to these .My friend and I walked through these woods only 2weeks ago how lovely it was .We have lost to much in Hastings and Ore needed this to be saved.Happy memories.

    Comment by Patricia usher — Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 @ 19:51

  7. Peter Chowney

    Thank you for covering this – the inspector’s report is expected soon after the election. After that, the council will be able to adopt the DMP with the inspector’s recommended modifications. And then, Speckled Wood will be protected – the best possible conclusion to years of campaigning by local people, and the hard work of volunteers who have opened up the woodland for everyone to enjoy.

    Comment by Peter Chowney — Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 @ 19:24

Also in: Home Ground

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