Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
The new look for Hastings public library

The new look for Hastings public library

Work begins on multi-million pound library redevelopment in Hastings

Work has begun on an £8million project to provide a modern library and registration service for the people of Hastings. Planning permission and listed building consent have been granted, giving East Sussex County Council the green light to develop the existing facility in the Brassey Institute and expand into the building next door, 12 Claremont.

Contractors started work on Monday (September 2) carrying out initial inspections, internal work and surveys.

“The new library will offer a better opportunity for learning and skills, a great space to display and promote stock and increased access to information and computers,” said Cllr Chris Dowling, the County Council’s lead member for community services.

“This scheme further demonstrates the council’s commitment to improving the service and is another example of the county council’s multi-million pound investment in libraries.”

The development will allow the children’s library to move into the main building which will provide better access to facilities for families, including space for popular rhyme-times and other events.

The Registration Service will be moved from its current location in Bohemia Road into the new building.

“This development, based in the town, will be easily accessible by public transport and will contribute to the regeneration of Hastings by encouraging people to visit the area and use the wide range of services on offer,” Cllr Dowling added.

There have been many who view  the proposals as unsatisfactory and needing further discussion before implementation, mainly because of the failure to make provision for reinstating the music library in Hastings. Michael Short has been campaigning as a member of Mulag, the Music Library Action Group, for years to get the County Council to restore the Hastings music library service which was abolished in 2002. He concludes that the County Council, its members and officers collectively, have little interest in promoting the art of music in Hastings which is a great pity in the opinion of many people in Hastings.

There are several phases to the project and work on the new library is expected to be completed by spring 2015.

For more information about the new library visit

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Posted 21:01 Monday, Sep 2, 2013 In: Home Ground


  1. Chris Cormack

    Yes indeed George we should be told! I’ll see if I can get more feedback from ESCC and report back.

    Comment by Chris Cormack — Thursday, Jun 4, 2015 @ 15:06

  2. George Jelliss

    Is there any updated news about this project. Spring 2015 has come and gone. Is there any prospect of the National Chess Library being included in the new development? I’ve not managed to get any response from the East Sussex County Council so far.

    Comment by George Jelliss — Thursday, Jun 4, 2015 @ 14:23

Also in: Home Ground

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