Candidates corner: what they are saying
As the election campaign draws to a close, here is a round-up of comments received from candidates (some of them) on diverse matters. They are presented in strict alphabetical order of party name.
As the election campaign draws to a close, here is a round-up of comments received from candidates (some of them) on diverse matters. They are presented in strict alphabetical order of party name.
The hustings in Rye on Saturday was marred by controversy when independent candidate Nicholas Wilson was ”silenced” by the chair as he raised the question of the UK government’s relations with Saudi Arabia. Nick Terdre reports.
Local artists and craftspeople are about to open the doors to their studios so that visitors can see them in their working environment. It’s time for South East Open Studios, now in its 21st year and a well-established highlight of the cultural calendar. Nick Terdre reports.
Some thoughts on the current electoral and political system and our priorities. Written by HOT’s Zelly Restorick, who wonders if her words will resonate for you?
The news of killings and woundings in central London is horrific. For all those involved.
As both politicians and impressarios know, things never go according to plan. Back in February, Blurt and Near Jazz Experience were set to share the stage at Kino-Teatr. Unfortunately Ted Milton – the man behind Blurt since 1979 – was ill and the gig was postponed until 8 June. Then Theresa May announced a general election. Erica Smith finds out how to escape election madness into a whole new world of musical madness.
‘Easter Thursday’ heralded the launch night of a classier-than-average and more-female-focussed-than-usual spoken word night at The Printworks. HOT’s Erica Smith was there to watch The Whole She-Bang kick off and is preparing herself for the second, Election Night Special event.
Come along to a free family fun-day on Hastings Pier on Saturday 10 June. Local author and illustrator, Ed Boxall and Hastings Pier have teamed up to create a new children’s book about the Pier, which will be launched on the day. Ed will also be offering free storytelling workshops during the day. Annalise Elam from