Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Masterplanning for St Leonards by JTP and St Leonards community

Regeneration initiative reports progress

Nearly 100 people crammed into a meeting room on Thursday 9 Feb to hear updates on the housing-led regeneration of Central St Leonards and the launch of the St Leonards Way Forward Group.  The meeting was a report back from the two-day Community Planning Weekend held in late January (see previous report), writes Richard Hull.

The enthusiastic and positive mood of the meeting was helped by news of concrete progress from key organisations.  Local Space, the housing association at the centre of the scheme, has acquired the first of many properties for renovation. AmicusHorizon housing association, who will manage the renovated properties, has established a training scheme in DIY skills for vulnerable adults, starting April. Gensing & Central St Leonards Community Forum is assisting the formation of a local planning and design group. Hastings Borough Council is developing a local lettings plan to ensure an appropriate mix of tenants in the area.

A lively question and answer session continued to reflect the optimistic atmosphere, albeit tinged with concerns that regeneration should not undermine some of the key attractions of the area such as the diversity of residents.

The next meeting, which is due to hear of further significant progress, will also be the chance for St Leonards residents to join the St Leonards Way Forward group (a provisional title) and discuss future activities such as improving communications, fund-raising and developing a clear and positive identity for St Leonards. This meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday 8 March, again at the Magnet, Christ Church Courtyard, London Road.

For further information contact Ieva Ansaberga at John Thompson & Partners, or on 020 7017 1780.


St Leonards Community Planning Newsletter No. 1 (written by John Thompson & Partners as a summary of the Community Planning Weekend and distributed at the meeting).


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Posted 12:10 Monday, Feb 13, 2012 In: Home Ground


  1. Hastings Online Times

    […] Project staff from housing association Local Space and from John Thompson Partnerships have been touring the commercial areas of central St Leonards over the past two weeks along with Glenys Jacques who has been filming the area and interviewing a selection of its diverse communities.  The two-hour meeting saw a productive exchange of views and feedback on the video and the accompanying bid to be one of 12 Portas Pilots – town centres with visionary regeneration plans will get a share of the £1 million available, as reported earlier in Hastings Online Times continuing coverage of the community planning for the regeneration of central St Leonards (see here and here). […]

    Pingback by Hastings Online Times — Monday, Mar 26, 2012 @ 09:27

  2. Hastings Online Times

    […] Regeneration Initiative […]

    Pingback by Hastings Online Times — Friday, Mar 9, 2012 @ 17:41

Also in: Home Ground

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