Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Transition Town Hastings

Transition Town Hastings

March Transition Town news

Renewable energy generation, local energy tariffs, fighting fuel poverty, lobbying for a better food system, Tesco Bags Of Help campaign, re-usng plastic water bottles, Green Drinks and an Easter jumble sale. Transition Town Hastings, part of the nationwide Transition Town network, is dedicated to developing local sustainability measures, responding to climate change and economic instability, promoting energy efficiency, linking with groups with shared visions and goals and increasing a sense of community. Here’s their latest news.

FREE principles of Renewable Energy Generation workshop

As part of the EU SHINE project, Energise Sussex Coast (ESC) will be running a FREE workshop on the Principles of Renewable Energy Generation. This module will explore different types of renewable technologies and how they work. If you would like to attend this workshop on 27 March – or to find out more follow this link.

UnknownCommunity Energy Tariff

Keep your eyes and ears open for the launch of two new Community Energy Tariffs from Community Energy South, a Co-op of community not-for-profit energy groups including Energise Sussex Coast and Our Power. One of these tariffs will be 100% renewable-sourced energy and the other is a pre-payment tariff that beats the others in price AND they are local and much more within our control.

Help for those in fuel poverty

ESC are now nearing the end of the Big Energy Saving Network government funded project, helping people living in fuel poverty. This means supporting people to switch tariff or supplier and helping them to access services they are eligible for. If you know anyone living in fuel poverty that could use ESC’s help – do get in touch via their website.

ESC energy meeting

For more information on exciting new projects by ESC join the energy group meeting on 12 April 7.30-9pm, at the White Rock Hotel or visit ESC’s website.

82ec5dee-352a-463a-ab1f-b9a963c3f502Taking control of our food system

The Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) is dedicated to showing us how to take control of our food system. Following the recently well attended showing of ‘In our Hands’ by the Landworkers Alliance (LWA), Pea Pod Veg also invited the LWA to Hastings to give a training day on food politics and lobbying for a better food system. A few of the TTH team attended this training along with people from Brighton and Lewes and they say it was hugely informative, empowering and motivational. Led by the very knowledgeable Jyoti Fernandes, it was a great insight as to how important it is to support the LWA in lobbying for better agricultural policy while post Brexit policy is still being formulated. You can find out more about the LWA and join as a supporter here.

UnknownHelp TTH Win Tesco’s Bags of Help Fund

TTH have been shortlisted for the Tesco’s Bags of Help Community Fund and are down to the last 3 community projects. They’ll win a minimum of £1000 (3rd place) and a maximum of £4000, which will go towards the community mosaic planned for outside St Leonards Warrior Square Station. They’d really like your help to win and cover as much of the cost as possible. So please vote in all local Tesco’s stores by asking for a green token at the checkout and voting for the TTH project ‘Meet Me at The Mosaic’. For more info on how to vote or for details about gardening sessions at the station Community Garden, see this HOT article.

7d0c7147-72d7-4431-9ad3-0afaf3062e3fReducing Single Use Plastic Bottles with Refill

TTH are in the process of launching a water bottle refill scheme here in Hastings to reduce the amount of single use plastic bottle waste. Refill, a national scheme which was piloted in Bristol with great success and is popping up all over the country, works by encouraging businesses with accessible running water to agree to refill people’s re-usable water bottles. The venue has a sticker in the window to let people know they can ask for a refill and they also go onto the Refill App which maps all the Refill stations in the country, so a bit of free advertising for the business. TTH have a voluntary session planned to go out and speak to businesses on Tues 27 March at 3pm, meeting at Rock House for a briefing. If you would like to help make this happen in Hastings, please do let TTH know or just turn up on the 27th. For more information, read this HOT article.

528a500a-7226-4ce5-9e1d-c1eb1fd900b6Green Drinks

Seeing as last month saw such a good turn out (even in snowy weather!) we’ve decided to meet again at The Imperial for some more home brewed ale and a good old informal chat about green stuff, 28 March from 7.30-9.30pm. And if you come along hungry – they also do amazing pizza – vegan options available. See the Facebook page for more info.

Welcome to the Jumble

Seeing as we all love a recycled bargain AND an opportunity to get together and have a good time, you may want to attend ‘Welcome to the Jumble’. Vintage clothes and accessories, t-shirts, badges, jungle sale plants, hand-made ‘man pots’ and much more. There will also be some tunes from co-hosts Lemur Beats DJ’s, cocktails and cake to delight your senses. Free entry. Good Friday (30 March) at Mercatoria Studios on Norman Rd, St Leonards, 11.30-5.30pm. 10% of all proceeds go to women in need a The Seaview Project. For more info, check out the Facebook Page.

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Posted 07:10 Monday, Mar 19, 2018 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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