Plastic bottles found on the beach Photo Refill Cornwall
Refill: re-use plastic bottles
Make single use plastic water bottles a thing of the past with Refill. Refill is a national, practical tap water campaign that aims to make refilling your bottle as easy, convenient and cheap as possible by introducing refill points on every street. Transition Town Hastings is supporting this initiative.
Launched by City to Sea in Bristol in 2015, Refill now has over 1,600 refill points in the UK. Cafes and restaurants who are willing to participate get a sticker in the window to let the public know they are a refill point, and they also appear on the Refill App which you can download for info on all the participating venues in the UK, along with receiving a FREE refillable water bottle. What’s not to like?!
Transition Town Hastings feel this is a no brainer scheme that Hastings and St Leonards should definitely be a part of and we’d love you to help us make that happen!
If 30 people spoke to 3 cafe/restuarant owners – that’s 90 businesses covered! Many hands make light work.
If you’ve got a spare 30 minutes and you’d like to get involved – please let Transition Town Hastings know at info@transitiontownhastings.org.uk
For more information, check out this link from Refill.
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Also in: Energy Wise
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