Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Here come the girls!

Here come the girls!

Here come the girls!

Eight lady residents along with their key workers and volunteers from Mary House, Martha Trust Hastings joined over 1000 people and took part in the Race for Life which was held at Alexander Park Hastings on Sunday (11 June).

The youngest volunteer was Daniel Spencer aged 7 , along with sister Caitlyn aged 10, whose mother, Amy works at Mary House on The Ridge in Hastings.

Alice and Caitlyn Spencer aged 10

Alice and Caitlyn Spencer aged 10

Martha Trust support people with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities and provide a home for life as well as respite. 2017 marks their 30th anniversary.

Amy says “It was a really nice event and it was lovely to involve our girls from Mary House. Other participants cheered us on especially at the finish line. I think it is great that my children want to volunteer with our residents; they get on great with them. It is important for children to understand about disabilities.”

Senior Support worker, Marie Crouch says “ It was such a lovely atmosphere, all the residents loved it and the other runners and walkers of the race were really encouraging our residents.”

Deputy Home Manager of Mary House, Helen Chantler says” I am very proud of our amazing residents and staff who took part in the Race for Life and helped raise awareness of cancer.”

More info about Martha Trust. Also see the other HOT article on Celebrating 30 years of Martha Trust.

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Posted 14:13 Wednesday, Jun 14, 2017 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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