Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
The Big Sleep 2017

The Big Sleep 2017

The Big Sleep free music event

TONIGHT! Friday 22 September 2017. Feel like listening to some free music and checking out The Carbon City, probably under construction as I write this, in preparation for this evening’s Big Sleep, raising funds for and awareness of homelessness – on the increase – and the invaluable work the people at The Seaview Project offer the local community. Zelly Restorick writes.

For one night only

The hours are ticking down for those people who have volunteered to swap their warm comfy bed for a cardboard box at The Stade in Hastings Old Town, raising funds for and awareness of homelessness and the valuable work that The Seaview Project does within the local community.

You can still give a donation – and there may even still be time to register.

All the money goes towards keeping ‘The Good Ship Seaview’ afloat. 

People can either take part and sleep out – or – if the idea of a cardboard box feels too much, they can support the campaign by donating.

Preparations are going well for the Big Sleep this year and we have around 100 people signed up to sleep out, but there are still places left and we are urging people to sleep out by registering at The Big Sleep Registration.

For those people who don’t want to sleep-out but would like to support the event and sponsor us, it’s possible to do so by visiting Seaview’s The Big Sleep 2017 My Donate page.

FREE music event starts at 7pm. All welcome. All accessible. All inclusive.

For more information about Seaview Project, The Big Sleep and how the money raised will be spent, link with previous HOT article: Sleep. Sponsor. Share



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Posted 16:17 Friday, Sep 22, 2017 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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