Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Rainbow Alliance list tells you what’s worth coming out for!

If you are part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rainbow and want to find out more events in the area, I recommend signing up to the Hastings and Rother Rainbow Alliance (HRRA) email list. They send out regular What’s On events listings. In order to get on the mailing list, send a request to Pam at writes Erica Smith…

You might also want to check out the HRRA website information about events and meetings.

Newspaper articles and an educational kit about homosexuality from the early 80s. These relate to the Campaign for Homosexuality (CHE), of which there was an active branch in Hastings. The educational pack was banned from use in local schools. Materials courtesy of Roger Sweetman.

An LGBT Oral History event in February

HRRA are currently planning an exciting event to celebrate LGBT History month on Saturday 18th February 2012, at Stade Hall, Hastings.
The event will focus on developing an oral history of LGBT experience in Hastings and the surrounding area – there will be an opportunity to share stories and memorabilia and learn how to get involved with the project and learn oral history research and interview skills.
One of the members of the steering group, Barbara Martin said: “This event will launch our new LGBT Life History Project and aims to encourage LGBT people to share their memories. We are planning a day of workshops, speakers, exhibitions, recordings and film, and an evening of live entertainment. Following the event we will continue to record life histories, with the aim of publishing extracts online or in printed form. Recordings will be preserved under guidelines determined by HRRA, within the Public Record Office collection. This will help increase the presence of under-represented voices within the archive’s collections.”


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Posted 15:46 Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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