Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Electric Palace

Richard Makin at Electric Palace

Last night HOT attended the long awaited finale to the Reality Street series, starring a personal favourite Richard Makin, Denise Riley and Miranda Gavin. Jessica Parker gives a short review following Richard’s performance.

Once snug in the red velvet with silk cushioned seat, the warm atmosphere made for a cosy evening. A glass of red wine went down a treat. Richard conversed with most of the room, greeting and thanking. The petite, intimate cinema made it easy to talk to anyone. Even the barman was engaged in deep conversation with a local women.

Then the lights dimmed. Richard hit the stage after a short welcoming introduction. The lights fell low, with only a single spotlight that shone upon his face, making for an alluring and mysterious night.

His voice soothed even the most tense of listeners. Guiding the audience through a maze of linguistic beauty and onto a roller-coaster of poetic, yet narrative driven, readings. Glancing around the theatre, everyone seemed to melt into a dream like state of literature bliss. Following Richard’s performance, Denise Riley emerged to take her spot on the stage, giving a reading so delicate, yet so commanding at the same time.

The theatre paused for a break, allowing for a quick breathe of air and a top-up of that wine.

Richard’s first performance left the audience with an almost dark, twisted and dystopian tinge to the tongue. Only captivating us further into his world. During his final reading, Miranda Gavin’s collection of moving images and still-life’s – Mini Mourning – charmingly clouded the mind away from his voice. But only for a moment. His words reached out, grasped you by the throat and pulled you back in.

You’re left mind blown. Stripped of any emotion or speculation you entered the building with. Literally speechless.

Richard’s work can be purchased from the Reality Street website.

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Posted 15:25 Thursday, Apr 24, 2014 In: Literature

Also in: Literature

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