Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper


The Sitter and their Stories: Lifedrawathon

Twelve hours, eight sitters, one venue! The number of pictures produced? Well, that’s up to you! Afri-Co-Lab writes about their upcoming LifeDrawathon.

Join us in a 12-hour life drawing experiment to capture what really makes the human form. The laughter behind the lines, the wrinkles at the corner of an eye, and the work that shapes our hands. Whether you’re an artistic newbie, an old master, or a free spirit, come and draw your heart out in the comfort of your local creativity lab and raise funds for The Refugee Buddy Project and Hastings Supports Refugee Community Group.

At the end of your time with us, we would love for you to donate one of your pieces to create a community collage that will be reproduced and sold during Hastings Refugee Week.

Proceeds from the Life Drawathon and artwork sales will go to The Refugee Buddy Project and Hastings Supports Refugee Community Group

Extras! As well as great models and a great venue, we will also provide a selection of recycled paper for you to draw on and to keep your strength up, tea and light snacks will be served throughout the day.

Book your hourly drawing slot on the website here

We hope to see you then!

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Posted 12:44 Thursday, Jun 2, 2022 In: Community Arts

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Also in: Community Arts

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