Regeneration from the bottom up
Hastings Green Party will be hosting a free talk on Thursday 25 October about how regeneration must be done in collaboration with local people, rather than being imposed from the top down. The talk, ‘Darning the Fabric: regeneration from the bottom up’, will be given by Jess Steele, a community activist and social entrepreneur based in Hastings. Jess is a founder director of the Heart of Hastings Community Land Trust, supporting community regeneration in the White Rock and Ore Valley areas.
Julia Hilton, local resident, artist, member of the Hastings Urban Design group and Hastings Green Party spokesperson, said: “If we want regeneration that really works for everyone in this town, it is essential that we find ways to empower people to generate their own vision.
“We also need to make sure that our local councils and funding bodies listen to local people’s ideas rather than imposing their own version of what they think is the ‘right’ development for our town.
:Through her work at Rock House and the evolving plans in the Ore valley, Jess Steele has shown there are ways to create true community-owned wealth and assets. We need more of this thinking in our town and Hastings Green Party is really looking forward to hearing her ideas.”
All are welcome to the free talk.
‘Darning the Fabric’: Talk with Jess Steele: Thursday 25 October, 7pm, White Rock Hotel, Hastings
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Also in: Hastings People
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Will there be enough room?
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments, and wonder if there is a room big enough to allow interested parties to participate in the debate.
Comment by Penny — Monday, Oct 22, 2018 @ 09:29