Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Citizen journalism course

Citizens arise and write!

Local resident and independent media advocate, June Knight, wrote to HOT asking if we could publicise Real Media’s crash course in Citizen Journalism. Each of us writing for HOT is a ‘citizen journalist’, giving of our time for free and 100% committed to the idea of independent media, meaning that we are nobody’s puppet-scribes. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asks June why she feels this is important in today’s world.

June explains that she was “moved and motivated to ask Real Media to come down to Hastings after attending their event, ‘Citizen Journalism’ at Momentum’s The World Transformed fringe event during the Labour Party Conference in September this year”.

“It is a free event,” she adds. “Tom Barlow from Real Media is doing it for free and Rock House are donating the room space for free. Real Media are putting on an event in Brighton and are fitting us in for a ‘special’, because they are so enthusiastic about citizen journalism and opening media to all.”


Why do you think citizen journalism and independent journalism are important?

“We are living in exciting times, the public is once again engaging with politics and once again being made to believe it can have an effect in their own lives, world and local communities.

“It is therefore, important that people have a say and are involved in the way they, events, their local communities and politics are seen and reported. Journalism should no longer be passive, waiting for a professional journalist or main media newspaper or television to notice; people need to take an active interest in how news is shown and gathered – and how things are portrayed and understood.

“I feel it is important for the public to be fully engaging in the activities and world around them and be part of being a voice and influence.”

What’s your interest in the media?

“As a northern working class child, I was brought up on reading, being active and taking an interest in the world. We were brought up to believe that we made the world we lived in and if we did not take notice and interest it could always go back to pre-war 1920s and 1930s poverty, disease, ignorance and inequality. [Aneurin] Bevan said if we did not remember and make our children remember, we would lose all that we had gained. That is right and coming true, so we all have to be part of making it better and be active.”

What do you feel about mainstream media?

“I feel mainstream media can get stuck in a rut. It has to answer to the needs and direction of its sponsors, editors and owners. The mainstream media has remained the same for a long time. Some mainstream papers are still using the same journalists and commentators from the 1980s. and there are many more exciting, informed and creative people and writers.

“I am very much influenced and engaged with online sites and bloggers such as Mike Sivier of Vox Political, Aaron Bastani of Novara Media, Tom Pride of Pride’s Purge, Johnny Void of The Void, Kerry-anne Mendoza of Scriptonite Daily and now and so many others.

The Canary believe that a ‘fresh, fearless and independent media’ is the bedrock of a democratic society – and I believe that too. We need to be informed and intelligent in order to be the best citizens to form our society. There must be fresh blood and fresh insight. People are now much more informed and up to date with what is happening. They will no longer accept a press that is not.”

What do you think are the qualities needed by citizen journalists?

“Citizen journalists and bloggers are some of the most exciting and informed writers around, but they have not been taken seriously by professional journalists, being seen as amateurs, lacking objectivity, veracity, biased and criticised for poor writing and standards. However, the independents bring a fresh passion and honesty in their writing. Mainstream media have become stuffy and aloof in order to meet this journalistic objectivity.

“This was not how it was originally. The most exciting and influential writers started as journalists, such as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Jack London, George Orwell and even Ian Fleming. Yet their style of journalism and sentimentality to their subject would not be accepted now. They would be thought too sentimental, too subjective and too close to the subject and involved. Yet that is why we love them.

“Mainstream journalists can say they are being objective and professional, but they can come over as distant and aloof. Sometimes modern journalists can come over with an attitude that they just don’t care and just spend their time being clever and critical. No real ‘love’. It gives a dour and sour taste to the reader. There is no real excitement, just a feeling of weariness.”

real-media-logo-square-300x300Tell us more about Real Media

“Here’s what they say on their website: ‘Real Media is a cooperative of journalists dedicated to public interest journalism and challenging mass media distortion. We believe the large media organisations, as they currently exist, largely serve the interest of a small establishment – their owners, their advertisers and the governments that they get most of their information from. This pattern of ownership and structure results in a narrowing window of debate and the decline of public interest journalism. We exist to challenge this state of affairs.

“Real Media aims to: shift public debate; impact national policy on media ownership; work in collaboration with other independent media and campaign organisations; provide challenging public interest journalism and maintain independence as a media co-operative.

“Real Media also look for partners and affiliates to make a network of newsfeed and newshounds. It is important that the news gets out and people are informed and be given the chance to be actively involved in their community and world.”

And the festival in Liverpool?

The World Transformed was an event organised by Momentum, the active group encouraging people to get involved in politics and have a voice. Momentum was originally set up to give people a voice and hear people’s views when they felt politicians and the Labour Party were not hearing them and ignoring them. They wanted the Labour Party to be more engaged with the public and for the public to be more engaged and be heard. It is because of the positive actions of Momentum and Jeremy Corbyn’s values and belief in people that politics has opened up and got people excited and involved again.

“We must make sure again that the people stay involved and not have the interests of our lives being taken over by a few – or groups with their own agendas.

“I enjoyed the event very much and met many politicians, journalists and enthusiastic and positive people.

“The World Transformed festival ran alongside the Labour Party Conference and hosted over 200 hours of workshops, talks, art exhibitions, gigs and cultural events. There were big name speakers, but they were particularly excited to host a range of inspiring grassroots groups, who wouldn’t usually be able to exhibit at conference.

“This is what citizen journalism and citizen involvement is about. Hearing the voices and opinions of people you would not normally hear. Ordinary people with ordinary lives with a vast array of experiences and a range of insights and wisdom to match.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“I am excited at the prospect of more people being involved in politics and in being active in their lives, local communities, local government and towns. We need the best politicians, the best party to develop and be in charge and that can only be made by the people being themselves the best voice and face of the community.

“I believe, like Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum, that the people need to be heard and seen, be active and have a voice. That can only be done by opening news and media more and making it people’s media.”


Citizen Journalism Crash Course Workshop: Rock House, 49-51 Cambridge Rd, Hastings TN34 1DT on 3 November between 19.00-21.00.


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Posted 14:38 Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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