Herring fair rescheduled for late-running fish
Hastings Herring Fair, now in its sixth edition, has been put back to the weekend of 18 and 19 November to accommodate the late-running fish, the council reports.
Hastings Herring Fair, now in its sixth edition, has been put back to the weekend of 18 and 19 November to accommodate the late-running fish, the council reports.
I am so happy to post this article by Alex Lockwood, writes Zelly Restorick. When I read his words, submitted to HOT by Transition Town Hastings, I felt immediate rapport and resonance – and that warm reassuring feeling that emerges when we know we are not alone in our way of seeing the world.
Years ago, I bought 100 white peace poppies to give away. I offered one to a man, who refused, telling me of his active military war-time past and his allegiance to the red poppy. However, the white poppy isn’t in competition with, the enemy of, somehow against or anti the red poppy. That’s the whole point. Zelly Restorick writes.
The Hastings Early Music Festival (24 – 26 Nov), an exciting new programme of events, brings an enticing selection of concerts by internationally acclaimed musicians to Hastings newest concert hall, Opus Theatre – and to the Kino Teatr in St Leonards. The festival theme, Sound of Times, traces classical music back through time, from Beethoven to Bach and beyond into Medieval times.
FFS! is a brand new glittering alt-drag, rock n roll eco-show for a vexed generation, showing at Hastings Printworks on 22 November. Ryan Ormonde writes.
This new CD is a collection of songs, readings and piano music, based on the wonderful writings of those two masters of the absurd, Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. It derives from a concert put on in Hastings Museum in 2010, and features some of the original performers: Geoff Hutchinson (narration), Gary Marriott (tenor songs & narration) and Rebecca Mason (jazz singer). All the music is by Michael Short, who also plays the piano and keyboards.
Hastings has been at the forefront of the renaissance in Shanty singing and maritime music in recent years and partly responsible for the re-emergence of this tradition have been the RX Shantymen. Bob Perry writes.
Cranstoun have recently been awarded funding to set up the East Sussex Family & Carers’ Team to support people who are being affected by someone else’s substance misuse and mental health issues (dual diagnosis). Emma Jones, team leader at ESFACT writes.