Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2012 | Page 4 of 33


The cycle of life

Rebecca Youssefi’s paintings are mesmerizingly beautiful.  Having just finished an exhibition at One Café on London Road, luckily for us, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick, another is just beginning at The Electric Palace cinema.

Posted 11:27 Wednesday, Dec 5, 2012 In: Visual Arts Tags: , , , , ,

Site of Norman longboat located

An important step towards finding further evidence to back his theory that the Battle of Hastings took place in Crowhurst Valley has been taken by local historian, Nick Austin, who says he has located the site of a buried Norman longboat, which must have formed part of the invasion fleet, HOT’s Nick Terdre reports.

Reeds in Moonlight William Waldie

The Natural World at First Sight

The First Sight Gallery is up the High Street, on and on again, beyond the Electric Palace.  It shows local artists, the display is always changing with different styles and new artists discovered. For Christmas, new work is being shown, and HOT reporter, Lauris Morgan-Griffiths, went to do a bit of early Christmas shopping.

Alastair Hendy

Alastair Hendy the man behind the new/old Home Store

Alastair Hendy likes old. He has restyled, refurbished a Tudor house into a home  and a Georgian building into a spanking new, creaky very brown, old fashioned Home Store. As Hendy was preparing to open his immaculately styled Old Town Hastings Tudor house for Christmas HOT reporter, Lauris Morgan-Griffiths went to find out more about the man behind the shop and his styled parallel universe.

Rye, Hastings and Rother area are getting their own television station, Entertainment Workshops Lottery funded to the tune of £247,000 it is a studio specifically run by young people for young people. HOT Reporter, Lauris Morgan-Griffiths went along to their open day to take a look.

Meet: Nittaya Chaickob

Nittaya Chaickob describes her style:

Posted 13:30 In: HOT Style Tags: ,

Colourful characters, crooked steps and alleyways…

HOT columnist Sean O’Shea interviews Hastings musician, artist and instrument maker Andy Dennis. He talks with Andy about his music making, his vivid pictures of the Stade and his love of Hastings.

Meet Malachy

Posted 14:53 Monday, Dec 3, 2012 In: HOT Style Tags: , ,
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