The Ocean Symposium 2018 and Marine Exhibition
Ocean Symposium 2018 and Marine Exhibition
Your ocean needs YOU! Never before have our oceans been under such threat: plastics, ocean acidification, ocean warming, polar ice melting, coral reefs and marine life in danger. Come along to this exciting community event: lots of speakers, stalls and a day of learning and networking.
Watch the BBC Earth short film about the oceans, narrated by Sir David Attenborough and listen to experts about new projects in the fields of Marine Conservation, Global Oceans, Climate Change, Marine Resources and Marine Wildlife. Tea and coffee provided by the organisers, United Nations Association, Bexhill and Hastings in partnership with Sussex Wildlife Trust, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, Rother Voluntary Action, Surfers Against Sewage, Southern Water and Hastings Voluntary Action.
Ocean Symposium 2018 and Marine Exhibition on Saturday 22 September 2018 from 9:30am to 4.30pm at St Mary In The Castle, 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings, TN34 3AF. Buy tickets here. View Map. Please bring your own packed lunch. Cafe and Restaurant will be open too if you prefer to buy your lunch at the venue.
Any questions? Contact: unaukhandb@gmail.com or 07552 690519 or St Mary in the Castle on 10424 715880.
09:30am Doors open. Registration.
10.00am Welcome by Co-Chairs of Symposium.
10:05am Official Opening by Jamie Bedwell, Triathlete and 2024 Olympic hopeful
10:15am Welcome of Delegates by The Mayor of Hastings
10:20am Film, BBC Earth, narrated by Sir David Attenborough
10:25am “UN Global Sustainable Goals; implications for our communities” by Natalie Samarasinghe, Executive Director, United Nations Association, UK.
10:45am “Oceans, Marine Resources and Commonwealth Nations” by Dr Nicholas Watts, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London.
11:05am Discussion chaired by John Fowler, Chairman of the United Nations Association, Bexhill and Hastings. Panelists: Natalie Samarasinghe and Dr Nicholas Watts.
11:35 Coffee break – Marine Exhibition (stalls)
12:05pm Wildlife Trust Video 1
12:10pm “Ocean pollution, microplastics and effects of climate change” by Dr Tim Ferrero, Senior Specialist for Marine Advocacy, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.
12:20pm “Marine Conservation Zones” by Dr Sean Ashworth, Deputy Chief Fisheries and Conservation Officer, Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority.
12:30pm Discussion chaired by Tim Dapling, Chief Fisheries and Conservation Officer, Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority). Panelists: Dr Tim Ferrero, Dr Sean Ashworth; Dr Corina Ciocan, Lecturer in Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology, University of Brighton – and Paul Linwood (Chairman of the Sussex Marine and Coastal Forum and Sewage Policy Manager, Southern Water)
13:00pm Lunch break – Marine Exhibition
13:45pm Wildlife Trust Film 2
13:50pm “Blue Economy and fisheries” by Dr Adriana Ford, Coordinator of the Greenwich Maritime Centre, University of Greenwich.
14:10pm Hastings Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) and LIFE by Jeremy Percy – Executive Director, Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE)
14:25pm Youth Ocean Action Eastbourne
14:30pm Surfers Against Sewage – Colin Darbyshire
14: 35 BREAK – Marine Exhibition

Sea Vax
14:55pm Cleaner Ocean Foundation (Blue Growth), SeaVax Innovation Project by Nelson Kay, Project Manager. See for yourself the amazing SeaVax Prototype!
(Read the HOT article about Sea Vax here.)
15:00pm Blue Marine Foundation by Morven Robertson, UK Project Manager
15:15pm Final Round Table. Chaired by Dr Sean Ashworth. Panelists: Dr Adriana Ford, Dr Nicholas Watts, Natalie Samarasinghe, Dr Tim Ferrero, Dr Corina Ciocan and Jeremy Percy.
16:00pm Final Audio Visual presentation (including a short film about the oceans)
16:20pm Closing words from John Fowler, Chairman of the United Nations Association, Bexhill and Hastings
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