Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Hastings Zombie Walk

Meet: Cheryl Chitty, Liz Atkins, Micheale Antoine and Samantha Morton.

Spotted: next to Hastings Pier.

Collectively they describe their style:
“We are the lesbian undead, the care workers who have been led astray. We all like different looks but we are all into emo and the rock chic thing”.

Cheryl favours smart clothes when she is not wielding a meat cleaver. Liz is happiest in pyjamas because they are comfortable and she likes that just out of bed look. Micheale favours sweatshirts and jeans and Samantha is loving the contact lenses even though they took hours to put them in her eyes!

Also meet: Terry Bridger (pictured right).

Spotted: waiting for the Zombie walk to begin.

Terry describes his style:
as “vintage tweed Zombie”. His look is inspired by Steam Punk and likes to hunt around antique shops for quality vintage items.

Zombie Diva: Theresa Beacham.

Spotted: In the Zombie gathering.

Theresa describes her style:
as the zombie Marie Antoinette today, and  is a sexual health nurse in her other life.

Theresa’s outfit started with her pink beehive wig that she originally bought for a Sound of Music sing along, now every time she dresses up she starts with the wig and adds more to her outfits so that they become even more elaborate. She always wears this petticoat too, Theresa purchased it in a charity shop for two pounds and it has been part of all of dressing up outfits. This girl adores dressing up especially when she can find an excuse to wear a corset.

The Zombie Leader: Scott Bartholomew

Scott Describes his style:
as ‘a freshly bitten Zombie’. Scott is wearing the suit he wears to weddings; he hopes it will be ok to turn up to the next wedding with blood stains on it! Surprisingly Scott hates dressing up and can’t believe he has instigated The Hastings Zombie walk which was an idea he and his friends came up with for a laugh.

“We never expected so many people would turn up!  I have surprised myself that I have been one of the main organisers of this event as I don’t really like a lot of attention and find it hard to find things to say!”

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Posted 14:06 Monday, Oct 29, 2012 In: HOT Style

Also in: HOT Style

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