Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Nick Perry's message for the European elections

Nick Perry’s message for the European elections

Liberal Democrats urge Remainers to flock to the polls

Liberal Democrats urge Remainers to flock to the polls on Thursday and halt Brexit. Their previous parliamentary candidate for Hastings & Rye, Nick Perry, is on the party’s list of candidates for the European Parliament election on Thursday.

Nick Perry’s major concern is turnout. He told HOT: “The Liberal Democrats have been surging in the polls since their 700 gains at the recent local government elections. There is a real chance of the Lib Dems depriving the Brexiters of a fifth seat, to move us from one MEP to three in the South East.

“On the current numbers there is no possibility of Change UK getting an MEP, or the Greens improving on their single seat.”

Image provided by Nick Perry

Image provided by Nick Perry

“The result on Thursday will depend on turnout, and to what extent Labour Remainers lend their votes to other parties; which our anecdotal evidence suggests will happen to an unprecedented degree.

“At this stage all we can do is to urge Remainers to vote in numbers on Thursday. It is last chance saloon stuff to keep the People’s Vote campaign alive.

“If your readers want to Stop Brexit like we do, they should vote Liberal Democrat.”

Image provided by Nick Perry

Image provided by Nick Perry

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Posted 07:33 Wednesday, May 22, 2019 In: Politics


  1. Bolshie

    While Nick has been a stalwart for his party, I do have problems with this constant pushy from the Lib Dems trying to reverse a majority decision to get out of the Euro Club. It kind of reminds me of the Irish issue and the referendum they had a few years ago over changing from the Irish Punt to the Euro.
    When the people voted to keep the Punt, the powers that be forced another referendum and with a lot of campaigning finally go what they wanted. The Euro.
    Nick like others who want t remain in this controlling club have to accept there was a majority and from these figures quoted by Mrs Doubtfire, most still wish to leave. Nick, its like say in sports games, someone has to win and someone has to lose.
    And as for that bit about his daughter and defending democracy, lets not go there.

    Comment by Bolshie — Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 17:38

  2. Ms.Doubtfire

    According to latest statistics the Brexit supporters vote here in Hastings received 36.7% of the vote with the Green party at 18.3%, the Lib Dems vote at 18%, the Labour vote at 14.1% and the Tory vote on this just goes to prove that some of us respect the democractic outcome of the referendum where the majority voted to LEAVE the EU…what part of this does Nick Perry not understand? Clearly Hastings residents felt very strongly about their democractic rights on this issue…how can it be acceptable to hold such an important Referendum and then for some to say they do not like the result so lets have another go?

    Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 08:41

  3. Ms.Doubtfire

    Why is Nick Perry urging people to vote against democracy? The vote was to LEAVE the EU – if there is any attempt to create a second referendum we may as well forget about voting for anything. And it is heartening to read today that votes for Brexit swept across the country – if that doesn’t tell the Remainers something nothing will…

    Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Monday, May 27, 2019 @ 11:36

Also in: Politics

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