Transition Town Hastings
Transition Town Hastings invite
Transition Town Hastings (TTH) are very excited to announce their AGM on Sat 21 October at the White Rock Hotel from 10am – 12pm – and to invite you to attend. Their aim is to make the meeting both succinct and interesting.
TTH will be showing a kaliedoscope of photos showing what they have been up to this year, will have talks from Fossil Free Hastings, The Badger Society and more, a quick roundup of their accounts, a look to the future and most importantly the voting in or out of TTH roles. Plus refreshments!
Role descriptions
For the continuation of Transition Town work, it would be really helpful to have people in the following roles: the role descriptions aren’t set in stone, you can make them your own and even share them.
Standard requirement roles:
Taking minutes at the committee and general meetings
Keeping people informed about the organisation’s activities
Receiving and responding to information and emails
(even if someone offered to just do the minutes at meetings, type them up and email them out – that would be great!)
Chairperson or Co-Chairperson:
Chairing meetings (reading out agenda items and keeping conversations on track, etc)
Helping the committee to work together as a team
Having an overview of the work of the group
Keeping financial records for the group
Keeping the group informed of their financial situation
Possible new roles:
Press & Publicity Person: writing reviews, articles/blog for local papers, TTH Newsletter
Designer: designing posters, flyers, etc
Website Person: keeping it up to date & tidy, etc
Social Butterfly: organising TTH related film & talks, etc
Fundraiser/s: to help us carry on growing and being able to facilitate more projects
Garden Lead: reminders of sessions, keeping FB page updates, sign-up reminders & garden activities
TTH Representative (at other meetings): simply to report back about what other groups are up to ie Fossil Free Hastings, Hastings Urban Bikes, Sustainable Transport Forum.
“Taking on any of these roles or even a part of a role would be sooooo helpful to TTH and make us smile! We wouldn’t just ‘dump’ the role with you either – there would be lots of support until you felt comfortable.
“For now, just give it some thought and please do come to the AGM (even if don’t want to do anything!). We’d love to see you there….” Transition Town Hastings.
More information about Transition Town Hastings.
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Also in: Home Ground
« Wanted – and unwanted – bikes!Beyond a boundary: Rocklands encroachment into the Country Park »
10am to 12 noon. Have clarified in the article. Thank you for writing.
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Thursday, Oct 12, 2017 @ 11:20
Is that from 10am?
Comment by John Faulkner — Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 @ 20:26