Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Bike Lab workbenches

Bike Lab workbenches

Wanted – and unwanted – bikes!

Need a kid’s bike for Xmas? Got an old bike soon to be replaced? Bike Lab Hastings, the open access, free workshop that takes place every Wednesday evening from 6 – 8pm at the Labyrinth space on the Lower Promenade, has kids bikes for you for a small donation – and DESPERATELY needs your unwanted bicycles and bike bits!

Please have a look in your shed, garage or hallway and see if you can re-home your no-longer-wanted rusty rattler.

The workshop helps people build, repair and restore all sorts of bikes and has been keeping Hastings rolling for almost 5 years. Every week, all year round, people visit the Lab to learn how to fix their main mode of transport or just make use of the workshop to maintain their bikes.

The Lab love it and want to keep doing it but they need your donations! If you have any spare bits or bikes that you could donate, please take down to the workshop, or email, as they can collect.

More information at Bike Lab Hastings.

Thanks to Transition Town Hastings for promoting this Bike Lab Hastings news.

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Posted 08:09 Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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